10 items
10 items
Mas Okabe and a fellow GI in Japan (ddr-manz-5-12)
Caption on reverse: "Mas & Sully Japan about 1946/GI Sullivan from NY - Took care of Mas."
Mas Okabe Interview (ddr-manz-1-131)
Nisei male. Born 1929 in Sacramento, California. Grew up in Sacramento, where parents operated a restaurant. During World War II, removed to the Merced Assembly Center, California, and the Granada (Amache) concentration camp, Colorado. Transferred to the Crystal City internment camp, Texas, in 1945, then went to Japan with family. Lived in Japan for a time …
Amache District First Court of Honor program (ddr-densho-390-118)
A program for a Boy Scout awards event.