10 items
10 items

Note to Joe Hamanaka (ddr-densho-280-35)
A note to Joe Hamanaka from Peter Ohtaki thanking him for taking charge of display advertising and relaying draft deadlines.

Letter concerning JACL slogans (ddr-densho-280-48)
Letter from Peter Ohtaki enlisting his public relations committee to pick their top choices for the JACL 17th Biennial National Convention slogan.

JACL letter of appreciation to Joe Hamanaka (ddr-densho-280-43)
Letter from James Matsuoka and Peter Ohtaki thanking Joe Hamanaka for his publicity and public relations work for the JACL 17th Biennial National Convention.

JACL Luncheon Invitation (ddr-densho-280-45)
Invitation from Peter Ohtaki to members of the JACL Convention Public Relations Committee to continue planning the upcoming event. Includes a Congressional Record copy.

JACL Public Relations Committee final slogan suggestions (ddr-densho-280-51)
Letter from Peter Ohtaki encouraging his JACL (Japanese American Citizens League) Public Relations committee members to finalize their choices for the 17th Biennial National Convention slogan.

Letter concerning JACL ad space (ddr-densho-280-47)
Letter from Peter Ohtaki informing Mrs. George S. Matsui that her prior letter had been forwarded to James Matsuoka and that they intend to buy a full-page advertisement in the JACL EDM-MDC convention booklet.

JACL 17th Biennial National Convention invitation (ddr-densho-280-17)
Letter of invitation for Japanese American Citizens League members to attend their 17th Biennial National Convention in Seattle, Washington.

Elementary school class (ddr-densho-34-48)
Front row (left to right): Akira Sakuma, unidentified, Masakatsu (Bear) Omoto, unidentified, unidentified, Shig Moritani, and Peter Ohtaki. Second row: Toshio Chihara, unidentified, Toshio Terashita, Masa Chihara, George Terashita, unidentified, unidentified, and unidentified. Third row: unidentified, unidentified, Yae Yamashita, unidentified, unidentified, Elsie Amatatsu, and Michi Yamashita. The teacher is unidentified.

Nisei soldier and the staff of the Minidoka Irrigator (ddr-densho-10-1)
T-Sergeant Ben Kuroki (center front), a famous Nisei war hero, poses with the staff of the Minidoka Irrigator, the Minidoka concentration camp newspaper. Front (left to right): Mitsu Yasuda, Cherry Tanaka, Ben Kuroki, Kimi Tambara, and Kerry Soejima. Middle: Mitsuko Miyoshi, unidentified, Sachi Yasui, Miye Takatsuka, Masako Tsujikawa, and Watson Asaba. Back: Johnny Okamoto, Peter Ohtaki, …

1981 Membership Roster MIS Association of Northern California (ddr-ajah-2-23)
Contact information redacted