3 items
3 items

Tokusuke Ogawa, a Japanese consulate official (ddr-njpa-4-1727)
Tokusuke Ogawa, former chief secretary to the Consul in Honolulu

Tokusuke Ogawa, a Japanese consulate official (ddr-njpa-4-1728)
Tokusuke Ogawa, former chief secretary to the Consul in Honolulu

Article regarding a Japanese consulate official formerly appointed to Honolulu (ddr-njpa-4-1729)
Article [translation]: "Mr. Ogawa was the former secretary of the consul in Honolulu. He is a gentleman who took many children to Waikiki Beach on Sunday. He enjoyed swimming with the children. Many residents already know Ogawa has moved to Vancouver in Canada. A Japanese newspaper in Vancouver has reported on Ogawa's exploits there. While Mr. …