2 items
2 items
Japanese fisherman hauling in Tuna (ddr-densho-299-17)
Caption on reverse: "FEC-49-1018. 8 Feb 49 / NRS Project: / Japanese fishermen lay nets off the coast / of Odawara, Japan, for the day's tuna catch. / Photographer - Orzio / Photograph by U.S. Army."
Fishing boats hauling in the day's catch (ddr-densho-299-11)
Caption on reverse: "FEC-49-1021. 8 Feb 49 / NRS Project: / Japanese fishermen haul in nets / off the coast of Odawara, Japan, / as the small boats are drawn to the / master ship, which is powered by / a deisel [sic] engine. When all boats / are together, the nets are emptied / and …