17 items
17 items
Nisei soldiers (ddr-densho-179-118)
Sgt. Tomitsu Matsumoto, Sgt. Warren Sakuma, Sgt. Robert Oda, Sgt. Akira Nakamura.
U.S. soldiers (ddr-densho-179-154)
Chow line. T/4 Tomotsu Nagao, T/4 Robert Oda, T/4 Akira Nakamura.
Peace treaty signing (ddr-densho-179-163)
Left to right: T/3 Tamotsu Matsumoto, T/Sgt. Warren S. Sakuma "Pop", T/3 Robert Oda, T/3 Akira Nakamura.
Nisei soldiers (ddr-densho-179-123)
T/3 Akira Nakamura, 1st Lt. John Flagler, T/3 Shigeru Sato, T/3 Frank Mizuno, T/3 Harry Okano, T/3 Robert Oda.
Representatives at a negotiation session (ddr-densho-179-87)
Representatives making preliminary negotiations for the surrender of the Ryukyus Islands to the Commanding General, Tenth Army. 2nd Lieutenant Takaharu Kosaka, who flew the plane, an air force pursuit pilot, and Tech 3rd Robert M. Oda of Kola, Hawaii. Photographer: Lieutenant Strauch.
Nisei radio operator (ddr-densho-114-100)
Original caption: Japanese Americans in Army Train to Avenge Pearl Harbor; 100th Infantry Battalion officers and some of the enlisted men are of Japanese ancestry. American citizens, born in the Hawaiian Islands of unquestioned loyalty and patriotism. Formerly part of the Hawaiian National Guard: Sgt. Robert Oda, radio operator, takes a message for transmittal from Sgt. …
Ping-pong game at USO (ddr-densho-37-752)
Original WRA caption: Enjoying a game of ping-pong at the Washington USO for Nisei servicemen and their guests is Yvonne Noguchi, Minidoka, one of the USO hostesses who attends the dances every Saturday night. She is surrounded by a group of well-decorated veterans of the European campaigns. From left to right: Pvt. Mike Miyake, Corp. Eddie …
Wedding party portrait (ddr-densho-359-1301)
The wedding of Alice and Phil Okano. Stamped in the bottom right hand corner "Takano Studio Seattle"Left to right, front row: Jeanette and Eddie Otsuka with Bob Nakata, Itsuno and Kaichi Kawamoto, Sakaye Seike, Niki Okano, Shizuko Seike, Sachan Nakata, Alice and Phil Okano; Min Okano, with Don Nakata in front of him, two unidentified men, …
Amache Reunion materials folder (ddr-densho-390-140)
An Amache reunion materials folder with an itinerary printed on the inside.
University of California, Berkeley honorary degree materials (ddr-densho-433-979)
A collection of materials related to a 2009 event hosted by the University of California, Berkeley to honor students who were removed from the college due to Executive Order 9066.
Eden Township JACL 60th anniversary program (ddr-densho-329-841)
Program for the 60th Anniversary Celebration & Annual Installation Dinner of the Eden Township JACL in San Lorenzo, California. Program lists the order of events for a speaking program and dinner, a list of charter members of the 1936 Eden Township Chapter of the JACL and the 1997 Eden Township JACL, introduces Herbert Yamanishi as National …
Thanksgiving Menu (ddr-densho-368-686)
This souvenir menu includes the Thanksgiving menu as well as listing all the men stationed at Camp Joseph T. Robinson, Arkansas.
1981 Membership Roster MIS Association of Northern California (ddr-ajah-2-23)
Contact information redacted
Scrapbook for Fremont JACL (ddr-densho-491-181)
Containing photos, meeting notes, document related to special events, membership lists, social events from 1980