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Takeo Isoshima in Hawaii (ddr-densho-477-609)
The caption above the photo reads "Finally in Oahu, Hawaii May 1987" in black ink

Mitzi (Nakahara) Isoshima in Hawaii (ddr-densho-477-610)
The caption next to the photo reads "Finally in Oahu, Hawaii May 1987" in black ink

Album titled: Vol. 3 Hawaii Maui Kauai Oahu 1976 Les & Sue (ddr-densho-522-602)
Vacation photos of trip to Hawaiian Islands

Organizers of an Oahu AJA baseball league posing with trophies (ddr-njpa-2-779)
Caption on front: "LEEWARD OAHU AJA JUNIOR BASEBALL LEAGUE OPENS: Participating in the Dec. 15 opening ceremony of the 1957-58 tourney of The Hawaii Times-sponsored 7-team Leeward Oahu AJA Junior Baseball League at Ewa's Tenney field were, left to right--League founder Manager Ichiro Konno of The Hawaii Times' Waipahu branch, League president Tsuneo Watanabe, Manager James …

Immigration and Naturalization Service administrators posing with Wilfred Tsukiyama, Neal Blaisdell and Oren E. Long. (ddr-njpa-2-423)
Caption on reverse: "HONORED GUESTS AT DINNER MEETING: Pictured above are some of the honored guests at last night's 4th Annual New Year dinner meeting of the Citizen's Study Club of Oahu at the Nuuanu YMCA's Atherton auditorium, left to right, William A. Hogan, Hawaii director of the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service and Hawaii's Federal …

Nisei soldiers writing letters (ddr-densho-114-37)
Original caption: Charmois Area, France. Americans of Japanese descent of the 442nd Combat Team, 100th Infantry Battalion, in bivouac prepare to go late front lines for their first contact with the Germans in France. Tec 5 Teroo Goma, Honokaa, Hawaii; Pvt. Nolan Miyazake, Wailua, Oahu, Hawaii; and Pvt. Kunio Ogawa, Kahului, Maue, Hawaii, write letters and …

Japanese fisherman resting at Kuakini Hospital (ddr-njpa-4-397)
Caption on front: "SWORDFISH VICTIM IN HOSPITAL: Sakae Kira, a Japan fisherman who was attacked by a swordfish over 1,000 miles from Oahu last Sun., is now resting at Kuakini Hospital, where he was brought over yesterday afternoon.--(Hawaii Times photo)."

Hawaii Cancer Society presidents posing with leis (ddr-njpa-2-479)
Caption on reverse: "HAWAII TIMES. Mr. J. Robert Judd (left), newly elected president of the Hawaii Cancer Society's Oahu Chapter, is shown with Dr. Grover H. Batten, outgoing president, following the Society's annual meeting and premiere of the locally produced cancer movie 'Decision For Life' on Tuesday, September 24, at MacNeil Hall on the Punahou campus."

Two Nisei soldiers (ddr-densho-114-38)
Original caption: Pfc Robert N. Maeda, left, Waipahu, Oahu, Hawaii, munches a candy bar as he waits with Pfc Lawson I. Sakai, of Grand Junction, Colo., for transportation to a new bivouac area in France. 10/14/44. 2nd Bn., 442nd Combat Team, Chambois Sector. France.

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 82, No. 16 (April 23, 1976) (ddr-pc-48-16)
Selected article titles: "WW2 Camp for Hawaii Nikkei Recalled" (p. 1), "Honouliuli Internment Camp: Oahu Footnote to a Dark Chapter" (pp. 1-2), "'Go for Broke!' vs. 'Farewell to Manzanar'" (p. 2), and "Steel Cross at Tule Lake Camp Site to Be Rededicated at 2nd Pilgrimage" (p. 4).

Nisei soldier (ddr-densho-114-49)
Original caption: Castrellina Sector, Italy. At a forward Command Post, Pfc. Bob T. Nakamura of Oahu, Hawaii, 442nd Inf. Regt., 34th Division, makes sure that he will not loose his laundry by hanging it on a jeep. U.S. Fifth Army. 12 July 1944. [The correct spelling of the location is Castellina.]

Article about Yoshinori Akinaka (ddr-njpa-5-98)
Translation of article: Civil engineer, Mr. Akinaka Yoshinori, opens his office from July 1st. The assistant engineer of the state planning department, Akinaka Yoshinori opened his office at 1061 Alakea St. He is a certified public civil engineer as well as a surveyor. He graduated from McKinley High School and the University of Hawaii. In 1930, …

Sadaichi Kubota Segment 9 (ddr-densho-1000-40-9)
Constructing barracks in Oahu
This interview was conducted at the 1998 Americans of Japanese Ancestry Veterans National Convention, held in Honolulu, Hawaii. Because of the full conference schedule, interviews conducted at the reunion were generally shorter in length than the typical Densho interview and tend to concentrate on the individual's military service during World War II.

Narrator Helene J. Minehira
Nisei female. Born April 30, 1925, in Waipahu, Hawaii. Just before World War II, moved with family to the Ewa Beach area of Oahu, near Pearl Harbor. Witnessed the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. Because of proximity to the harbor, family was forced to evacuate their home in Ewa Beach and had …

The head of the Girl Scouts in Hawai'i (ddr-njpa-1-843)
Caption on reverse: "National Girl Scout head here: Mrs. Roy F. Layton of Chevy Chase, Md., national president of the Girl Scouts of American, was a special guest at the fall meeting of the Oahu Council of Girl Scouts at 9 this morning at the Ala Wai Clubhouse. She arrived here Tuesday night to visit all …

Portrait and bio of Permanente Cement plant manager (ddr-njpa-2-1171)
Text on reverse: "TO: HAWAII TIMES (WITH PIC), June 27, 1960. James F. Smithson has been appointed manager of Permanente Cement Company's new $13,500,000 cement producing plant at Waianae, Oahu, Hawaii, it was announced today by J.M. Garoutte, operations vice president. For the past three years, Smithson has served as process engineer at Permanente's Northern California …

Nisei soldiers (ddr-densho-114-92)
Original caption: Oahu, T.H. Pvt. Naoto Mausuura, Hamakuapoko, Maui, and Tec/Sgt. David Malo, Jr., 110 A. Keaukaha St., Hilo, Hawaii, check the locations of some of the battles in which they fought in Italy, Africa and Southern France. Both men are members of the 100th Infantry Battalion, and have received the Purple Heart and Presidential Citation. …

Certification ceremony (ddr-densho-114-31)
Original caption: Oahu, T. H. The first 48 veterans to be discharged from the Army under the point system, seated here, are waiting for their certification at the Separation Center. All but two are members of the famous 100th Battalion, 34th Division, which saw plenty of action in Italy and France. 23 May 1945.

Veterans of the 100th Infantry Battalion (ddr-densho-114-134)
Original caption: Oahu, T.H. These members of the 100th Infantry Bn., composed entirely of Hawaiian AJA's, are entertained by Pfc. Marty Rakitt, 534 S. 16th St., Newark, N.J., on the steps of the 147th General Hospital, Honolulu, T.H. The men in the front row are, l. to r., Pvt. Gerico Hashimoto, Lihue, Kauai; Pfc. Mamoru Takabayashi, …

Highly decorated Nisei soldier (ddr-densho-114-133)
Original caption: Oahu, T.H. After 34 months of action in Italy and France, when he became the most highly decorated of the 46 veterans of the 100th Bn., 34th Div., T/Sgt. Yukio Yokota of Honolulu, T.H., is honorably discharged under the Army point system. His citations include the Distinguished Service Cross, Purple Heart, Legion of Merit, …

Nisei veteran blinded in battle (ddr-densho-114-168)
Original caption: Oahu, T.H. Pfc. Kiyoto Nakai, Japanese-American veteran of the 442nd Infantry Regiment, who was blinded in battle, sits with his seeing-eye dog, Cubby and his fiancee, Miss Miyaho Hiratoni, at the Army's North Sector General Hospital. Schofield Barracks. 10 September 1945.

Nisei soldiers awaiting furlough (ddr-densho-114-30)
Original caption: Oahu, T. H. At the HQ Replacement Training Command, enlisted men of the 100th Infantry Bn., now in the 623rd Caual Company, 13th Replacement depot, happily await 30-day furloughs and subsequent discharges. The entire group saw action in Africa, Italy, and Southern France. Many hold Purple Heart and Presidential Citations. 27 June 1945.

View from Northshore of Oahu (ddr-densho-363-147)
Pat Kuroda attended the 442nd Regimental Combat Team 10th Anniversary Reunion in Hawaii from July 27th to July 31st, 1953.
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