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18 items
Notes handwritten by Kay Saito, Treasurer of Friends Japanese Church (ddr-csujad-57-23)
doc Notes handwritten by Kay Saito, Treasurer of Friends Japanese Church (ddr-csujad-57-23)
Letterhead with notes handwritten by Kay Saito, Treasurer of Friends Japanese Church (styled here as Norwalk Friend Japanese Church). [Printed letterhead, top margin] Phone Downey 5368 / P. O. Box 21 / NORWALK FRIEND JAPANESE CHURCH / 219 ORANGE ST., NORWALK, CALIF. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: FFC-0023
Testimony of Chiyoko Yasutake (ddr-densho-67-280)
doc Testimony of Chiyoko Yasutake (ddr-densho-67-280)
Written testimony of Chiyoko Yasutake of Norwalk, California. This testimony was submitted for the CWRIC hearings in Seattle, Washington, September 9-11, 1981. Personal information excised by Densho.
Letter from Itoko S. [Sano] to Dorothy Okine, August 6, 1946 (ddr-csujad-5-155)
doc Letter from Itoko S. [Sano] to Dorothy Okine, August 6, 1946 (ddr-csujad-5-155)
A letter from Itoko Sano to her friend, Dorothy Okine. She located Dorothy's address by looking in the Palms Book and encloses a copy of the Hanky Club in the letter. She includes updates, such as going to a show, "Rhapsody in blue," in Norwalk along with George Asawa, Florence, and Miyako. She also informs Dorothy …
Letter from Ralph F. Burnight, District Superintendent, Excelsior Union High School to the parents of the students of Excelsior Union High School, January 31, 1947 (ddr-csujad-5-200)
doc Letter from Ralph F. Burnight, District Superintendent, Excelsior Union High School to the parents of the students of Excelsior Union High School, January 31, 1947 (ddr-csujad-5-200)
A letter from Ralph F. Burnight, District Superintendent, Excelsior Union High School to the parents of the students of Excelsior Union High School addressing Seiichi and Tomeyo Okine. It informs of changes to the school transportation policy. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: oki_02_39_001
Contract to build Sunday school rooms at Japanese Mission in Norwalk (ddr-csujad-57-11)
doc Contract to build Sunday school rooms at Japanese Mission in Norwalk (ddr-csujad-57-11)
Contract to build Sunday school rooms at Japanese Mission in Norwalk, later called Friends Japanese Church. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: FFC-0011
Clearing the ground for Japanese Church, Norwalk (ddr-csujad-57-19)
img Clearing the ground for Japanese Church, Norwalk (ddr-csujad-57-19)
Five adults and one child stand in a clearing with houses and trees in the background. Dust or smoke is in the air. [Handwritten note on photo] Clearing the ground for Japanese church, Norwalk. Aug 30, 1924 - Mrs. Foster and Cammack [Handwritten on verso] Mrs. Cammack __ raking for burning. Aug. 30, 1924 (7). Title …
Workmen, Japanese Church (ddr-csujad-57-15)
img Workmen, Japanese Church (ddr-csujad-57-15)
Building the Friends Japanese Church. [Handwritten caption on photo] Workmen. Japanese church. [Handwritten on verso] 1924. Title from caption. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: FFC-0015
Subscription for Japanese Church (ddr-csujad-57-24)
doc Subscription for Japanese Church (ddr-csujad-57-24)
A written list of names of Whittier First Friends Church members and amounts pledged to help build the Norwalk Japanese church. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: FFC-0024
Japanese Sunday school at the new church (ddr-csujad-57-14)
img Japanese Sunday school at the new church (ddr-csujad-57-14)
Congregants of a Sunday School class at Friends Japanese Church. [Handwritten on photo] Japanese S. S. at the New Church [Handwritten on verso] The church completed Lydia Cammack 1924 [Sign hanging above door] FRIENDS JAPANESE CHURCH / G. T. Hayashi, Pastor. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: FFC-0014
Katsumi Shigamatsu (ddr-csujad-57-17)
img Katsumi Shigamatsu (ddr-csujad-57-17)
A man holds the hand of a little girl. Behind them is a truck and a building. [Handwritten on photo] At mission Whittier, Katsurmi Shigamatsu, 1924 [Handwritten on verso] Katsumi Shigematsu / 9 yes old girl / June 10, 1924 at Japanese Mission Whittier. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project …
Friends Japanese Church (ddr-csujad-57-16)
img Friends Japanese Church (ddr-csujad-57-16)
A man and woman of short stature standing with a taller man on the front steps of the Friends Japanese Church. [Sign over the church door] FRIENDS JAPANESE CHURCH / G. T. HAYASHI, Pastor. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: FFC-0016
Easter with no church (ddr-csujad-57-18)
img Easter with no church (ddr-csujad-57-18)
Group photo of children and adults outdoors. [Handwritten note on photo] Easter with no church. Apr. 20, 1924 [Handwritten on verso] On Easter Sunday. Apr. 20, '24. At the S.S. Norwalk, Calif. [illegible] outside [illegible]. No church. Title from note. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: FFC-0018
Minutes of the California yearly meeting of Friends Church, Whittier, California, 1942 (ddr-csujad-57-26)
doc Minutes of the California yearly meeting of Friends Church, Whittier, California, 1942 (ddr-csujad-57-26)
Includes Report of Friends Mexican Missions and Report of Japanese Mission: The Norwalk Work. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: FFC-0026
Documents on the members of the Friends Japanese Church in Norwalk during the incarceration (ddr-csujad-57-25)
doc Documents on the members of the Friends Japanese Church in Norwalk during the incarceration (ddr-csujad-57-25)
A collection of documents regarding the incarceration camps of the members of the Friends Japanese Church in Norwalk, associated with the First Friends Church in Whittier, California. Includes meeting minutes, letters, and a report of Japanese Committee 1941-1942. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: FFC-0025
Friends congregants (ddr-csujad-57-7)
img Friends congregants (ddr-csujad-57-7)
A group of men, women and children pose for a group portrait outdoors, on a lawn with trees behind them. They are likely congregation of Friends Japanese Church, located in Norwalk, California. A mission of the First Friends Church of Whittier, California. [Handwritten on photo] Photo by Ronie Meyer - Whittier - Cal. June 22 - …
Japanese Church debt 1929 (ddr-csujad-57-12)
doc Japanese Church debt 1929 (ddr-csujad-57-12)
Amounts pledged by Friends congregations of Whittier, East Whittier, Burbank, and Pasadena, to help build Friends Japanese Church, located at 12043 (6470 E.) (219) Orange Street, Norwalk, Calif. [Handwritten document] Japanese Church debt 1929 [List of names and amounts. Includes categories Burbank, E. Whittier, and Pasadena.] Title from note. See this object in the California State …
Friends Headquarters (ddr-csujad-57-8)
img Friends Headquarters (ddr-csujad-57-8)
A group of men, women and children stand on the front steps of First Friends Church, located at 13205 (310 E.) Philadelphia Street, Whittier, Calif. The group is likely composed of members of First Friends Church (Whittier, Calif.) and members of Friends Japanese Church (Norwalk, Calif.). [Handwritten on photo] July 23, 1918 [Stamped on matboard] F. …
George Sakaye Nakano Interview (ddr-densho-400-17)
vh George Sakaye Nakano Interview (ddr-densho-400-17)
George Sakaye Nakano was born on November 24, 1935, in the Boyle Heights neighborhood of Los Angeles, California. George's parents were Kibei, born in Hawaii, then educated in Japan before returning to the U.S. Nakano grew up in Los Angeles until he was six years old. When WWII started, the Nakano family was incarcerated in the …