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30 items
Team photo of ATK baseball team (ddr-ajah-5-100)
img Team photo of ATK baseball team (ddr-ajah-5-100)
Caption below photo: 1936 Alameda Taiiku Kai (ATK) baseball team, Alameda, CA
Document with photo of Alameda ATK and Meiji University baseball teams and transcription of article about game (ddr-ajah-5-40)
doc Document with photo of Alameda ATK and Meiji University baseball teams and transcription of article about game (ddr-ajah-5-40)
Document includes names. Caption below separate photo: Alameda ATK vs Meiji team (from Japan) - Alameda, CA Meiji tour of America. Geizaburo Okada was head coach at Meiji University from 1923-1935.
Mudhens football team photo (ddr-ajah-5-6)
img Mudhens football team photo (ddr-ajah-5-6)
Caption below photo: 1932 Mudhens football team - Nichi Bei League champs Alameda, CA. Individuals identified
Panorama of large group outside Buddhist Temple (ddr-ajah-3-257)
img Panorama of large group outside Buddhist Temple (ddr-ajah-3-257)
Caption below photo: Buddhist Temp of Alameda 30th Anniversary, October 17, 1935. Inscription on front in Japanese with translation below: Photo taken by Tsuji Photo Studio (of Oakland, CA)