4 items
4 items
Green Lake Judo Team (ddr-densho-136-38)
Green Lake Dojo was established in 1932. Classes were held twice a week at the Community Hall in North Seattle. The mass removal of Japanese Americans from Seattle forced Green Lake Dojo to close in 1942. Back row (L to R): Sumio Mochizuki, Akira Kumasaka. Fifth row (L to R): Mr. Tanagi, unidentified, Kiyoshi Tada, Mr. …
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 48, No. 12 (March 20, 1959) (ddr-pc-31-12)
Selected article titles: "Eisenhower signs Statehood bill without fanfare" (p. 1), "Uncle Sam's 50th star now in view. JACL jubilant over Hawaiian statehood and recognition of its citizens" (p. 1), "Japanese American Democratic Club drops racial designation, reaction is mixed" (p. 3), "Chapter eliminates racial restriction in own high school scholarship program" (p. 4), "Civil rights …
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 49, No. 14 (October 2, 1959) (ddr-pc-31-40)
Selected article titles: "President signs amendment to immigration bill" (p. 1), "Elderly Issei in 80s and 90s sworn in as new citizens" (p. 1), "Few Japanese farm laborers able to save million yen from three-year U.S. stay" (p. 1), "Nisei discrimination topic of Yoshino speech" (p. 1), "Nisei administrative assistant to Burns steps into political job …