22 items
22 items

Mary and Torakichi Nishioka (ddr-densho-292-61)
Mary Nishioka watches her father, Torakichi, fish.

Takeda and Nishioka families (ddr-densho-292-60)
Post-it attached to photograph reads "Torakichi Nishioka Oakland prewar".

Travel permit (ddr-densho-292-8)
A travel permit for Torakichi Nishioka to leave Topaz and travel to Chicago, Illinois.

Certificate of Indebtedness (ddr-densho-292-7)
The Topaz Consumer Cooperative Enterprises Inc. wrote a receipt of indebtedness of $5.71 to Torakichi Nishioka.

Torakichi Nishioka Form 26 (ddr-densho-292-52)
The Form 26 Individual Record contains information about education, employment, religion, military service, addresses before and at camp, and other demographic information.

Group photo in front of the Topaz Community Cooperative Enterprises building (ddr-densho-292-2)
Caption on reverse: "Topaz Community Cooperative Enterprises. Coop @ Topaz management of movies. Mary Kaibe - 3rd from right, back row. Age 17. Mary left - government gave her $50 to go to Chicago to get work (after 3 1/2 years). Torakichi Nishioka worked in mess hall - washing dishes for $16 month (doctor [?] got …

Escrow instructions for sale of Cut-Rate Shoe Repair Shop (ddr-densho-292-11)
Torakichi Nishioka sold his show repair shop in Oakland, California to Nellie M. Ordish. This document outlines the escrow of the sale.

Frank Nishioka Form 26 (ddr-densho-292-50)
The Form 26 Individual Record contains information about education, employment, religion, military service, addresses before and at camp, and other demographic information.

Envelope addressed to Torakichi Nishioka (ddr-densho-292-16)
An envelope sent from the Filmore Street San Francsico post office

Alien Registration receipt card (ddr-densho-292-17)
Torakichi Nishioka's Alien Registration card that includes his alien registration number, signature, and right index fingerprint.

Alien Tax Receipt (ddr-densho-292-15)
Torakichi Nishioka paid an $8.00 head tax to reenter the United States as an immigrant on October 12,1934 on the Tatsuta Maru.

Mess hall staff posing for a group photo (ddr-densho-292-3)
Caption on reverse: "Torakichi Nishioka 4th from left, top row. Washed dishes for $16 month, doctors just $19 month. Mess hall staff, Topaz. Top row, 2nd from right Hosoda (last name). This family owned mochi stores in San Francisco."

Nishioka Family Collection (ddr-densho-292)
The first accession of the Nishioka Family Collection consists of three photographs from Topaz concentration camp. The second accession of the Nishioka Family Collection consists of documents, letters, photographs that covers the immigration of Torakichi and Mitsu Nishioka, family life in Oakland, California, incarceration in Topaz concentration camp and Frank Nishioka's military service in the post …