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1665 items
Utayo Honjyo (ddr-njpa-5-1323)
img Utayo Honjyo (ddr-njpa-5-1323)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "Missing person and the wife of Mr. Tsumoru Honjyo."
Envelope of Goichiro Fujii photographs (ddr-njpa-5-972)
doc Envelope of Goichiro Fujii photographs (ddr-njpa-5-972)
Caption on front [translation]: "Tokyo District Criminal Court judge, presiding judge in the Teijin case."
Tokuji Baba (ddr-njpa-5-375)
img Tokuji Baba (ddr-njpa-5-375)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "Baba Tokuji, hotel owner and secretary of Hotel Business Union."
Envelope for Sadahira Harada (ddr-njpa-5-1215)
doc Envelope for Sadahira Harada (ddr-njpa-5-1215)
Caption on front [translation]: "Honolulu Laundromat."
Mikio Asagi in front of a chicken hatchery incubator (ddr-njpa-5-74)
img Mikio Asagi in front of a chicken hatchery incubator (ddr-njpa-5-74)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "Large sized incubator at the Asagi Hatchery."
Donated radios (ddr-njpa-5-568)
img Donated radios (ddr-njpa-5-568)
Caption on reverse [translation]: Radios donated by Masao Fujimoto to the Schofield Barracks army training school for selected call-up soldiers.
Envelope of Otogoro Aimoto photographs (ddr-njpa-5-355)
doc Envelope of Otogoro Aimoto photographs (ddr-njpa-5-355)
Caption on front [translation]: "Went missing from home on October 16, 1940."
Kansaburo Ageno (ddr-njpa-5-359)
img Kansaburo Ageno (ddr-njpa-5-359)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "Fisherman Kansaburo Ageno."
Florence Amaki (ddr-njpa-5-29)
img Florence Amaki (ddr-njpa-5-29)
U.H. KaPalapala Japanese beauty contestant.
Envelope of Kiyoshi Fukumoto photographs (ddr-njpa-5-834)
doc Envelope of Kiyoshi Fukumoto photographs (ddr-njpa-5-834)
Caption on front [translation]: "Punahou service station owner."
Isuto Dewa (ddr-njpa-5-455)
img Isuto Dewa (ddr-njpa-5-455)
Superintendent of the Japanese hospital.