735 items
735 items

Article: "S. Sasaki Resumes Battle of Epithet" (ddr-densho-274-75)
This article was published in The New York Nichibei, 1/1/1974, Vol. XXIX, No. 1441.

House (ddr-densho-335-125)
The back of the photograph is a stamp that reads "Iwahiko Tsumanuma Architect 366 Fifth Avenue New York".

Letter from Larry Tajiri to Guyo Tajiri (ddr-densho-338-160)
A letter Larry Tajiri wrote to Guyo Tajiri during a trip to New York City to see plays.

Frank Yamasaki Interview II Segment 12 (ddr-densho-1000-131-12)
Hearing about the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki; shock and horror comparable to the September 11th, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City

Letter from the Ishikawas to the Matsuos and Johnny (ddr-densho-468-251)
Thank you for Christmas gifts with details of plans for trip to visit in New York in April, introduction to Ann and Don Farber, and new vehicle.

Mitzi Isoshima (ddr-densho-477-99)
Colorized photograph of Mitsuko (Nakahara) Isoshima standing in front of a bush. Written on photo is "July 1941" in blue ink. Caption below photo is "1941" in black ink. Caption at the bottom of page is "MITSUKO'S EMPLOYMENT: *Governess for Mr. & Mrs. Yanase, New York, New York (8/38 to 10/39) *Governess for Mr. & Mrs. …

Fiorello La Guardia shaking hands with Japanese Ambassador Saito (ddr-njpa-1-855)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "Friendship Cherry Trees to New York As Well. (New York) Rengo April, 28 1934. Washington's cherry trees [illegible] bloom like US-Japanese friendship every spring [illegible] distribute through the world [illegible] now to New York as well [illegible] the 80th anniversary of US-Japanese friendship [illegible] two hundred friendship cherry trees to Mayor LaGuardia …

Postcard to Yuri Domoto from Yoshito (ddr-densho-356-222)
Postcard to Yuriko Domoto Tsukada from Yoshito Shibata from his stop at Mount Vernon on route to New York.

Landscape Design Symposium (ddr-densho-377-1671)
Program/invitation for a Landscape Design Symposium hosted by the Second District Federated Garden Clubs of New York State, Inc. Mentions a talk by Kaneji Domoto on Japanese landscaping and bonsai.

Letter to Kaneji Domoto from Ruth Frank (ddr-densho-377-1658)
Letter from Ruth Frank, Workshop Chairman of the Ninth District Federated Garden Clubs of New York State, expressing gratitude to Domoto for his appearance at their landscape design workshop.

Letter from Hachico Yuasa to Ai Chih Tsai (ddr-densho-446-314)
Thank you for Mi. Takahashi's letter. Request to meet and talk over New Year's.

Scrapbook (ddr-densho-367-148)
Album pages and loose material including playbills, programs and clippings related to productions in Las Vegas, Philadelphia and New York, primarily from House of Flowers production. Cards from admirers, good luck telegrams from friends and fellow performers. Photos and advertising from modeling work for Simpsons Department store in New York.

Vocation Building (ddr-hmwf-1-99)
"Jun Watada to New York. Nov. 6 1944" as described on back, f11-1/50 K1 Verichrome Super Ikonta B

Vocation Building (ddr-hmwf-1-100)
"Jun Watada to New York. Nov. 6 1944" as described on back, f11-1/50 K1 Verichrome Super Ikonta B

Soldiers touring New York City upon returning to the United States (ddr-densho-201-777)
Caption in album: "Looking toward East River. / 'Coming home' / Sept. 1946."

Soldiers touring New York City upon returning to the United States (ddr-densho-201-779)
In front of St. Patrick's Cathedral.

Soldiers touring New York City upon returning to the United States (ddr-densho-201-780)
Caption in album: "Central Park N.Y.C."

Article: "Call for Help to Put Asian on FCC" (ddr-densho-274-63)
This article was published in the 8/23/73 issue of the New York Nichibei, Vol. XXVIII, No. 1422.

Article: "About Abbr'v'ns: Gov't Prntg Ofc Frowns on 'Jap'" (ddr-densho-274-64)
This article was published in the 11/22/73 issue of the New York Nichibei, Vol. XXVIII, No. 1434.

Magazine clipping (ddr-densho-335-110)
The clipping of a magazine article covering The Nirvana Studio in New York City. It is designed after Thomas Rockrise's designs.

Letter to Yuri Domoto from Yoshito Shibata (ddr-densho-356-224)
Letter to Yuriko Domoto Tsukada from Yoshito Shibata in which he describes in detail his furlough trip in New York City.