735 items
735 items

Card from Tomoye Takahashi to Tomoyuki Nozawa (ddr-densho-423-398)
She and Martha are waiting in Erie, Martha will continue to Minnesota and Tomoye back to camp, she is bringing omiyage back from New York

Scene the Pictorial Magazine Vol. 4 No. 6 (October 1952) (ddr-densho-266-47)
Selected article titles: "Niseis torpedo a New York play" (p. 18), "Never too old to 'play' with dolls" (p. 13), "School for brides" (p. 20).

Manzanar Free Press Vol. 6 No. 25 (September 20, 1944) (ddr-densho-125-273)
Selected article titles: "Manpower Shortage Hits Local Hospital Staff" (p. 1), "High School Students Harvest Fall Crops" (p. 1), "WRA Releases Figures on Indefinite Leaves" (p. 2), "New York WRA Offices to Aid New Resettlers" (p. 3).

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 74, No. 13 (April 7, 1972) (ddr-pc-44-13)
Selected article titles: "Desert Wind, Sandstorm Thrash 700 Making Manzanar Pilgrimage" (p.1), "Congressional Tributes" (p.1), "Issei Group Housing in New York Sought" (p.6)

To My Iwahiko (ddr-densho-335-12)
A poem written by Agnes Rockrise on her way to Odensburg, New York where Thomas (Iwahiko) Rockrise was hospitalized due to his tuberculosis and mental illness.

Letter requesting testimony of Arthur Yakabi to the Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians (ddr-densho-401-1)
Letter from the Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians asking Arthur Yakabi to provide testimony at the New York Hearings on November 23, 1981.

Japanese American Courier Vol. 1, No. 9 (February 25, 1928) (ddr-densho-96-37)
Selected article titles: "New York Governor Routed G.O.P. in Home State" (p. 1), "Sport Scope" (p. 2), "Pink Tea" (p. 3), "Down Main Street" (p. 4)

Portrait of Thomas E. Dewey (ddr-njpa-1-157)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "No. 8,432, No. 8,433. Thomas Edmond Dewey. (US) Attorney General of New York. Candidate for President (Republican Party). [stamped] June 12, 1940."

Two archers with bow and arrow (ddr-njpa-4-2002)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "William Tell in the modern period. (New York) Domei. Tesugoro Okajima and Miss [?] showed the essence of the Japanese art of archery to Europeans at the World's Fair in New York late in August. They were praised by the Europeans, who called Mr. Okajima and Miss [?] William Tell in modern …

Louis Ferdinand and Kira Kirillovna on their honeymoon (ddr-njpa-1-339)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "The Kaiser's Grandson Will Soon Come to Japan. (New York) Domei. Prince Louis Ferdinand, the grandson of the Kaiser, and the daughter of Grand Duchess Kira of Russia, who were married in a grand occasion in early June, are currently on their honeymoon and are planning to come to Japan soon. Photograph: …

Asahi Shimbun journalist (ddr-njpa-4-1259)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "Tokyo Asahi Shimbun journalist. New York correspondent. Goro Nakano. Stopped at port on his way to his appointment location via the Shinta Maru."

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 117, No. 4 (August 6-19, 1993) (ddr-pc-65-29)
Select article titles: "JACL denounces firebombings" (p. 1); "New York coalition protests Rising Sun" (p. 1); "Asian Pacific group criticizes Clinton's restrictions on political asylum" (p. 1).

Newspaper photograph with caption (ddr-densho-377-1672)
Kaneji Domoto and two members of the Ninth District Federated Gardens Club at the Japanese Garden exhibit in White Plains, NY. Taken by Ray Hoover.

Letter to Kaneji Domoto from Leola McCann (ddr-densho-377-1660)
Thank-you letter from Leola McCann for Kaneji Domoto's participation in a landscape design workshop. Makes particular mention of a bonsai demonstration.

Along the route of the B and O between Washington and New York (ddr-csujad-49-166)
Postcard front with text: "Along the Route of the B and O between Washington and New York." An item from: pages 92-93 of the Sue Kato scrapbook (gfb_skc_001). See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: 2019_002_001_060_07

Copy of clipping from The New York Times about play Santa Anita '42 (ddr-densho-367-336)
Title: Santa Anita '42, Play on Confined Japanese

Photo of Yuichi and Yuji Sumi (ddr-densho-399-25)
"Having worked in the wholesale business prior to WWII, Yuji Sumi opened the 'New World Gift Shop' in 1945. Located at 1131 Amsterdam Avenue in New York City, it sold giftware and collectibles primarily from Japan. It closed in 1994."

Narrator Mary T. Karatsu
Nisei female. Born April 23, 1924, in Baldwin Park, California. After the bombing of Pearl Harbor, moved with sister to New York under sponsorship of uncle to avoid incarceration. Attended school in New York before marrying and eventually returning to California. Active in numerous community and social service organizations in the Los Angeles area.

Narrator Michael J. Forrester
White male. Born 1937 in Brooklyn, New York. Grew up in New York, where father was a mechanic. After World War II, enlisted in the Air Force and was sent serve in Japan. While there, met future wife, got married and returned to the U.S. Established a successful career with the Federal Aviation Administration.

Pacific Citizen Vol. 46, No. 1 (January 03, 1958) (ddr-pc-30-1)
Select article titles: "First Nisei Named Ambassador For Japan, To Revisit Hometown" (p. 1); "New York first city to pass ordinance barring discrimination in private housing" (p.1)

Rohwer Outpost Vol. VI No. 46 (June 2, 1945) (ddr-densho-143-274)
Selected article titles: "Changes Made in Resettlement Aid" (p. 1), "Essential Workers Will be Excused from Cleanup Work" (p. 1), "New York Nisei Girls Receive Praise" (p. 1).

Joseph Grew receiving the Holland Society's Gold Medal for Distinguised Achievement (ddr-njpa-1-538)
Caption on reverse: "Former U.S. Ambassador to Japan honored in New York. Joseph C. Grew (left), Special Assistant to the U.S. Secretary of State and former U.S. Ambassador to Japan, - receives the Holland Society's Gold Medal for Distinguished Achievement from Ottomar H. Van Norden, president of the Society, at ceremonies in New York City. The …

Letter from Kaneji Domoto to Wakako Domoto (ddr-densho-329-863)
Letter from New York City. Mostly anecdotes about spending time with his co-workers in their time off in the city, going to bookstores and the library and seeing shows. Anecdotes about his boss at the New York World's Fair job, landscape architect Shogo Myaida. Taking and printing pictures from the worksite. In pencil on back of …