9 items
9 items

H.R. 442--questions and answers (ddr-csujad-55-89)
Question and answer sheet covering information about H.R.422 including eligibility, "voluntary evacuees," vesting rights, administration and distribution of funds, procedures, notification, and federal and state laws. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: sac_jaac_00093

Letter from Rutaro Fujii to the National Archives and Records Service (ddr-densho-433-154)
Rutaro Fujii writes to the Chief Archivist at the National Archives and Records Service requesting a copy of his draft registration card.

Verification of Internment Dates (ddr-densho-416-12)
Form response to Ray Donald Miyagi from the Judicial, Fiscal and Social Branch of the Civil Archives Division of the National Archives and Records Service regarding verification of Internment Dates. Determined that Ray Donald Miyagi was at Colorado River from May 19, 1942-October 10, 1945.

Letter to Joseph B. Howerton, Assistant Chief for Reference, Industrial and Social Branch, Civil Archives Division, National Archives and Records Service, General Services Administration (ddr-csujad-42-143)
A draft of a letter addressing National Archives and Records Service to request verification of the dates of incarceration and release. It appears to be a letter template in which a requester can fill out her/his information. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: tak_01_77_001

Redress eligibility notification for Mary Ima from General Services Administration (ddr-densho-483-130)
Notice from General Services Administration that Mary Ima was incarcerated during WWII and is eligible for redress payments

Letter from Yoneko Takano to Joseph B. Howerton, Assistant Chief for Reference, Industrial and Social Branch, Civil Archives Division, National Archives and Records Service, General Services Administration, May 3, 1988 (ddr-csujad-42-144)
A copy of a letter from Yoneko Takano to Joseph B. Howerton, Assistant Chief for Reference, Industrial and Social Branch, Civil Archives Division, National Archives and Records Service, General Services Administration. It requests verification of Yoneko's incarceration and release dates. It appears that Yoneko fills out the template letter (csudh_tak_0143), adding her address at the time …

National Archives and Records Administration Collection (ddr-densho-37)
The National Archives and Records Administration collection, 1940s, primarily focuses on the ten War Relocation Authority camps. The collection also documents the exploits of Nisei soldiers who served with the 100th Infantry Battalion, the 442nd Regimental Combat Team, the 522nd Field Artillery Battalion, and the Military Intelligence Service.

Kazuichi Takanishi Collection (ddr-densho-314)
The Kazuichi Takanishi Collection is comprised of government documents the family gained through the Freedom of Information Act. The documents detail Takanishi's arrest after Pearl Harbor, his interragation, internment, parole to Chicago, Illinois, and return to Hawaii after the war ended.

Saul Collection (ddr-densho-22)
The Saul collection consists of images and documents related to Japanese American military service during World War II. Topics include: 522nd Field Artillery Battalion, 442nd Regimental Combat Team, 100th Infantry Battalion, Military Intelligence Service, rescue of the Lost Battalion, liberation of Dachau, etc. The content of this collection was brought together from multiple sources both organizational …