3 items
3 items
Nakayama and Ozeki families aboard ship (ddr-ajah-6-753)
Caption below photo: Given her age and outfit, this is Hatsuyo's 1912 trip from Alameda to Japan at age 5. She will remain in Hiroshima until she is 17 years and 2 month old. Hanae and her brother, Min, also went to Japan on this same voyage. All three children went there be educated in Japan. …
Portrait of Ozeki and Nakayama families (ddr-ajah-6-804)
Caption below photo: Studio portrait of the Ozeki, Nakayama families and perhaps a friend. The Ozeki and Nakayamas were close. The unknown man was a friend of the Ozekis as he appears in their photo albums several times. The three children would soon be sent back (in 1912) to Japan for their education, thus dating this …
Two versions of group of men and women at a dinner, one with individuals identified (ddr-ajah-6-754)
Caption below photo: Issei meet for dinner and drinks somewhere in Alameda, CA. Circa 1914, based on the presence of Nellie Itahara a baby. Location unknown, but likely somewhere on or near Park Street, where many Japanese business existed. Several men are wearing detachable collars, which were popular at the time. Note the shamisen at far …