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3 items
Birthday party (ddr-densho-359-1236)
Ron Nakata birthday party. The caption written on the back of the photograph is "Ronnie's birthday June 17, 1956". Left to right: Glen Nakata (in hat), Pam Okano, Dan Nakata (in back), 3 unidentified children with balloons, Ron Nakata (with balloon in front), two unidentified boys, Carole Koura, Larry Nakata
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 48, No. 14 (April 3, 1959) (ddr-pc-31-14)
Selected article titles: "Walter bill liberalizes Immigration Act" (p. 1), "Nisei newcomer in Arizona successful in nursery business" (p. 1), "Tule Lake center may be youth honor camp" (p. 1), "UCLA medical research reports success with measle vaccine, Nisei doctor aids" (p. 1), "Bent on suicide, Nisei speeds into busy intersection kills one, maims two" (p. …
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 43, No. 25 (December 21, 1956) (ddr-pc-28-51)
Selected article titles: "Ishihara had plenty to say on any subject but himself" (p. 3), "Immigrants and an Incredible Law" (p. 4), "Nisei became aware of prejudice on Dec. 7" (p. 5), "Ken Utsunomiya: a legacy of courage and faith" (p. 6), "Interest of other Asian ancestry groups in United States necessary" (p. 7), "Six San …