3 items
3 items

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 65, No. 25 (December 22-29, 1967) (ddr-pc-39-52)
Selected article titles: "Supreme Court and the Nisei: 'Equal Justice Under Law' nearer reality for Japanese Americans" (p. 1), "Individual choice in marriage not a concern for State" (p. 1), "Is Warren's legal philosophy of today a consequence of Evacuation?" (p. 1), "Takao Ozawa Case imbeds Issei to 'ineligible for citizenship' predicament" (p. 1), "'The Bill …

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 65, No. 18 (November 3, 1967) (ddr-pc-39-45)
Selected article titles: "25th anniversary of Evacuation to be observed by Watsonville" (p. 1), "JACL hails Administration Civil Rights bill; Forced from Judiciary Committee by one vote" (p. 1), "Two JACL Youth Delegates Inspired by Challenges Forged by Democracy" (p. 2), "Mink sponsors Bill to aid Longshoremen" (p. 3), "Urban housing crisis compared with experiences of …

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 64, No. 26 (June 30, 1967) (ddr-pc-39-27)
Selected article titles: "Political attitudes of Northwest Japanese Americans under study" (p. 1), "52 prep scholars bid for JACL awards" (p. 1), "Influence of Nichiren and Sokagakkai in modern Japan topic of research" (p. 1), "Housing law referendum bugs Washingtonians" (p. 4), "Fair housing bill in Illinois appears dead for this session" (p. 4), "Some Fresh …