7 items
7 items

Dr. James K. Nagatani interview (ddr-csujad-6-24)
Oral history interview with Dr. James K. Nagatani. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: SCRC_NAGATANI_JAMES

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 48, No. 5 (January 30, 1959) (ddr-pc-31-5)
Selected article titles: "Hawaii's mixed population seen as boon for Statehood" (p. 1), "Sweeping civil rights bill with stiff penalties dropped in Sac'to hopper" (p. 1), "Union City council elects Nisei mayor" (p. 1), "French Camp JACL to honor Issei" (p. 1), "Judge Aiso hands opinion in union race bias issue" (p. 1), "International Institutes to …

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 43, No. 10 (September 7, 1956) (ddr-pc-28-36)
Selected article titles: "Urge Nisei to foster U.S.-Japan ties" (p. 1), "Delegates quiet on opening day of 'Changing Perspectives' but warm up by final session over farm workers problem" (p. 1), "American Legion, State Labor Group Endorse 'Yes on Prop. 13" (p. 2), "Relationship with Japan part of 'changing perspectives' theme" (p. 3), "JACL's role among …

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 49, No. 20 (November 13, 1959) (ddr-pc-31-46)
Selected article titles: "1960-70 Planning procedure outlined" (p. 1), "Anti-Nisei bias practiced by Maryland Beach resorts hit" (p. 1), "Japan farm laborers applaud treatment received at Oxnard" (p. 1), "Northern Californians in tribute to Rep. Inouye, tells $100-plate diners of Nisei war record" (p. 3), "Japan anxious to meet Nisei congressman, 'Go for Broke' demonstration expected" …

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 48, No. 26 (June 26, 1959) (ddr-pc-31-26)
Selected article titles: "Need of strong JACL organization cited by Nisei who felt housing bias" (p. 1), "Call for rare B-Positive Type blood made to save life of Idaho Falls 2-year-old boy" (p. 1), "Japanese Canadian history project given 'green light'" (p. 1), "Mountain-Plains JACLers feel U.S.-Japan problems not as crucial to Inland CLers" (p. 5), …

Scrapbook of newspaper clipping (ddr-densho-483-100)
Loose scrapbook pages containing newspaper and magazine clipping, a press release, and a speech transcript. Selected article titles: Seattle Post-Intelligencer: "Seattle Japs return home" (p. 1), "The National Director speaks to residents" (p. 2), "237 Bainbridge Japs leave, head south" (p. 3), "No refunds for japs, says city" (p. 4), "Sad farewells while troops stand by" …