6 items
6 items
Shigeo Nagaishi (ddr-densho-459-2)
Father Shigeo Nagaishi outside in front of Oriental Fish Market
Three men behind counter inside store (ddr-densho-459-4)
Inside Fish Market and grocery store. Written on photo front: Tokyo Fish Market. Store identified by donor as former Oriental Fish Market. The 3rd person to the right is Shigeo Nagaishi.
Shigeo & Chiseko (Murakami) Nagaishi Family (ddr-densho-459-11)
Nagaishi family standing outside. Back row: Shiego Nagashi and Chiseko Nagaishi. Front row: Amy Nagaishi, Haruko Nagaishi, and Kikue Nagaishi
Nagaishi family standing outside garage with graffiti (ddr-densho-459-10)
Nagaishi family in front of their garage after returning from Minidoka. Written on garage: "No Japs Wanted" and "No Japs Wanted Here".
Quakers Paint Out Insults, Mow Grass for Japanese (May 17, 1945) (ddr-densho-56-1116)
The Seattle Daily Times, May 17, 1945, p. 5