28 items
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Memorandum from Paul Shimada to Kats Nagai (ddr-densho-379-378)
Memo to invite Kats Nagai to upcoming Scout Leaders Meeting.
Notice for YMCA leadership training classes (ddr-densho-379-380)
Kats Nagai announces a series of upcoming Y.M.C.A. leadership activities.
Letter from Jack Kiba to Kats Nagai (ddr-densho-379-386)
Letter from Jack Kiba to Kats Nagai regarding payroll schedule.
Letter from Shizuo Nakashita to Kats Nagai (ddr-densho-379-362)
Shizuo Nakashita asks Kats Nagai to attend Sonen Kai meeting about upcoming Gotanye service.
Group photograph of Community Activities of Rohwer (ddr-densho-379-329)
Photo was taken in front of Community Activities building at Rohwer Relocation Center. Kats Nagai, husband of Grace Sumida Nagai, was the Supervisor of Clubs and Organizations
Letter from Chimata Sumida to Kats Nagai (ddr-densho-379-326)
Letter to assure Kats Nagai that his daughter Grace will be safe to visit him in Rohwer.
Letter from C. B. Price to Kats Nagai (ddr-densho-379-383)
C.B. Price, Director of Community Activities, thanks Kats Nagai for showing places of interest to citizens of McGehee.
Letter from Grace Rayko Sumida to Kats Nagai (ddr-densho-379-327)
Letter to her future husband, Kats Nagai. Mentions whereabouts and plans of her siblings, and daily life in Cincinnati.
Letter from Shizuo Nakashita to Kats Nagai (ddr-densho-379-366)
Kaz Ikebasu requests that Kats Nagai serve on a committee formed to overseee the upcoming Rohwer Buddhist Church Cotanye Service.
Letter from Kaz Ikebasu to Kats Nagai (ddr-densho-379-381)
Kaz Ikebasu thanks Kats Nagai for his fine work on short notice to put together the Pre-Conference Y Committee.
Letter from Jack Kiba to Kats Nagai (ddr-densho-379-385)
Letter from Jack Kiba to Kats Nagai regarding providing a list of newly organized personnel of the Clubs and Organization group.
Letter from C. B. Price to Kats Nagai (ddr-densho-379-387)
Letter from C.B. Price to Kats Nagai regarding upcoming meeting in Dr. Hunter;s office to discuss Y.M and Y.W. program for the coming week.
Letter from Kaz Ikebasu to Kats Nagai (ddr-densho-379-349)
Letter from Kaz Ikebasu, Departmental Supervisor of Community Activities, wishing Kats well on his departure and stating appreciation of his work at Community Activities.
Memorandum from Jack Kiba to Kats Nagai (ddr-densho-379-382)
Staff meeting memorandum pertaining meeting to mainly discuss Y.W. work.
Letter from Yosh Kodama to Kats Nagai (ddr-densho-379-334)
Letter describes organization and activities of the Boys and Girls Clubs
Letter from Kats Nagai to Major Strawn (ddr-densho-379-339)
Thank you and regret letter for granting interview for a position at Camp Shelby, Mississippi. Mr. Nagai referred the opening to Mr. Mouton, Center Employment officer, and to other interested individuals.
Memorandum from Jack Kiba to Kats Nagai (ddr-densho-379-384)
Jack Kiba, Assistant Director of Community Activities, attached clothing certifications for staff to obtain Mackinaw plaid coats.
Letter from Kaz Ikebasu to Kats Nagai (ddr-densho-379-360)
Kaz Ikebasu invites Kaz Nagai to Community Activities meeting to be attended by important Y.W.C.A.. Representatives.
Letter from Kaz Ikebasu to Kats Nagai (ddr-densho-379-361)
Kaz Ikebasu asks for the names of the various clubs, their presidents and their addresses that are part of Community Activities.
Letter from Rayko (Grace) Sumida to Kats Nagai (ddr-densho-379-391)
Letter from Rayko (grace) Sumida to Kats Nagai explaining that she has to accompany her mother, Masako Sumida, to her new job at a hostel run by the Brittons in Cincinnatti, Ohio. Also she completed a 6 hour interview with the Civil Service Commission asking a lot of questions about her past in Los Angeles.
Letter from Kats Nagai to L. A. May (ddr-densho-379-338)
Thank you letter for contribution to the Community Activities Department.
Letter from Kats Nagai to J. W. Mayfield, Jr. (ddr-densho-379-340)
Letter requests Mr. Mayfield granting a job interview while Mr. Nagai is accompanying a group of girls from his camp to visit Camp Shelby.
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