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225 items
Update to Administrative Instruction 45: Assistance to Evacuees Granted Indefinite Leave for the Purpose of Accepting Employment (ddr-densho-356-914)
doc Update to Administrative Instruction 45: Assistance to Evacuees Granted Indefinite Leave for the Purpose of Accepting Employment (ddr-densho-356-914)
Update to Administrative Instruction 45 to include guidelines for individuals returning from seasonal leave and requesting public assistance, and for individuals converting seasonal leave requests to indefinite leave requests while also requesting public assistance.
Administrative Instructions on Relocation Guidance (ddr-densho-356-970)
doc Administrative Instructions on Relocation Guidance (ddr-densho-356-970)
Administrative Instruction from the WRA on Relocation Guidance. This instruction provides guidance on the scope and purpose of relocation services, how it will structured within the WRA, plans and goals of the program.
Memo from Dillon S. Myer to John J. McCloy (ddr-densho-67-62)
doc Memo from Dillon S. Myer to John J. McCloy (ddr-densho-67-62)
Memo from Dillon S. Myer to John J. McCloy on Hawaiian-Japanese evacuees. Asks McCloy to inform General Emmons to stop evacuation to the mainland. Describes situation at Jerome where Hawaiian Japanese have been difficult -- unwilling to work, answering "no" on the loyalty questionnaire. Also, there are no additional resources to provide the evacuees. Myer suggests …
The Facts About the War Relocation Authority (ddr-densho-275-22)
doc The Facts About the War Relocation Authority (ddr-densho-275-22)
A speech give by Dillon S. Myer before a luncheon meeting of the Los Angeles Town Hall
Letter to project directors about the
doc Letter to project directors about the "Kibei problem" (ddr-densho-381-23)
Myer describes Kibei as a "complex problem" in his letter to the project directors. He encloses a report from January 28, 1944, detailing differences between Kibei and Nisei, reasons Kibei were sent for education in Japan, and Kibei reactions to being detained in concentration camps.
War Relocation Authority notice on the relocation of unattached children and youth (ddr-densho-381-28)
doc War Relocation Authority notice on the relocation of unattached children and youth (ddr-densho-381-28)
Myer writes about the specifics of how children under the age of sixteen, who have been separated from their parents for various reasons, can navigate the process of relocating outside the camps.
Dillon S. Myer's National Broadcasting Company network address (ddr-densho-381-7)
doc Dillon S. Myer's National Broadcasting Company network address (ddr-densho-381-7)
An advance release copy of Dillon S. Myer's address over the National Broadcasting Company network about the loyalty of Japanese-Americans incarcerated in concentration camps and their living conditions.
Statement by Dillon S. Myer before the Costello Committee of the House Committee on Un-American Activities (ddr-densho-381-10)
doc Statement by Dillon S. Myer before the Costello Committee of the House Committee on Un-American Activities (ddr-densho-381-10)
Dillon S. Myer criticizes the Committee for conducting an investigation of the War Relocation Authority in "a manner as to achieve maximum publicity of sensational statements," potentially damaging war efforts and the American reputation.
War Relocation Authority notice on evacuee requests for material from Chambers of Commerce and other local agencies (ddr-densho-381-21)
doc War Relocation Authority notice on evacuee requests for material from Chambers of Commerce and other local agencies (ddr-densho-381-21)
Myer addresses prejudiced responses to Japanese-American high school students' requests for statistical information about the New England area. Myer recommends that staff discourage direct correspondence between detainees and outside agencies.
War Relocation Authority staff letter (ddr-densho-381-29)
doc War Relocation Authority staff letter (ddr-densho-381-29)
Myer updates War Relocation Authority staff members on the organization's progress resettling detainees.
Project directors report on evacuee resistances to relocation (ddr-densho-381-6)
doc Project directors report on evacuee resistances to relocation (ddr-densho-381-6)
Dillon S. Myer, War Relocation Authority Director, lists twelve reasons why he believes detainees are reluctant to leave the camps.
Evidences of Americanism among Japanese-Americans (ddr-densho-381-9)
doc Evidences of Americanism among Japanese-Americans (ddr-densho-381-9)
A statement by Dillon S. Myer, Director of the War Relocation Authority, presented before the Costello Subcommittee of the House Committee on Un-American Activities attempting to draw attention to the "Americanism" of Japanese-Americans.
Copies of Weekly reports from Guy Robertson to Dillon Myer (ddr-densho-122-855)
doc Copies of Weekly reports from Guy Robertson to Dillon Myer (ddr-densho-122-855)
Reporting on activities at Heart Mountain, including actions by the Fair Play Committee
Thank you letter to Guyo and Larry Tajiri from Dillon S. Myer (ddr-densho-338-406)
doc Thank you letter to Guyo and Larry Tajiri from Dillon S. Myer (ddr-densho-338-406)
Copy of a letter included in the thank you book presented to Guyo and Larry Tajiri at the Tajiri Testimonial Banquet of the JACL. The testimonial banquet recognized the Tajiris for their decade of service running the Pacific Citizen.
Report from Mike Masaoka to Dillon Myer (ddr-densho-122-894)
doc Report from Mike Masaoka to Dillon Myer (ddr-densho-122-894)
Confidential statement on status of Kibei and Nisei in camps and problem of segregation of disloyal
doc Memorandum: "Use of the terms 'Japanese', 'Camps' and 'Internment'" (ddr-densho-156-100)
Copy of a memo sent to Regional Directors and Project Directors by WRA Director Dillon S. Myer.
Man standing next to the Minidoka trash incinerator (ddr-fom-1-859)
img Man standing next to the Minidoka trash incinerator (ddr-fom-1-859)
WRA caption on reverse: "Trash incenerator [sic] for entire camp. (Dillon Myer wanted a picture of this)."
Man Giving Speech (ddr-hmwf-1-507)
img Man Giving Speech (ddr-hmwf-1-507)
"Dillon S. Myer, High School auditorium, Aug 12, 1943" as described on back, man standing at podium
Yoshi Hibiya reference letter (ddr-densho-381-173)
doc Yoshi Hibiya reference letter (ddr-densho-381-173)
Mr. and Mrs. Hattori write to Dillon S. Myer attesting to Yoshi Hibiya's American and Christian upbringing.
Letter from D. [Dillon] S. Myer, Director, to Mr. Ray [Raymond R.] Best, Project Director, May 20, 1944 (ddr-csujad-2-70)
doc Letter from D. [Dillon] S. Myer, Director, to Mr. Ray [Raymond R.] Best, Project Director, May 20, 1944 (ddr-csujad-2-70)
Regards a report on Project Case A-306 from the Internal Security Division at Tule Lake, dealing with an individual's infraction of project regulations; the subsequent decision of members of the police force to hold people in the stockade for longer than had been planned in response; the authority of the Project Director rather than police to …
Supplementary statement by Mr. D. S. Myer before the Sub-Committee of the Military Affairs, Committee of the U. S. Senate (ddr-csujad-48-102)
doc Supplementary statement by Mr. D. S. Myer before the Sub-Committee of the Military Affairs, Committee of the U. S. Senate (ddr-csujad-48-102)
Report by Dillon Myer regarding the history and activities of the War Relocation Authority and the "relocation program." Includes a memorandum of understanding between the WRA and the War Department, description of problems with the "evacuation program," evacuation of Hawaii, administrative policies on housing, food, education, medical care, employment, public works, community welfare, community enterprises, community …
Letter from Dillon S. Myer, Director, War Relocation Authority, to Harry Bentley Wells (ddr-csujad-48-75)
doc Letter from Dillon S. Myer, Director, War Relocation Authority, to Harry Bentley Wells (ddr-csujad-48-75)
Letter from War Relocation Authority to Harry Bentley Wells for reference purposes for Masaye Nakahira who applied to "leave a relocation center" (WRA-140), requesting a statement regarding his opinion of the individual. Transcription is found in item: ecm_wells_9075. "WRA-140." See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: ecm_wells_0075
Letter from Mr. Myer, WRA Director, to the chairman of the special committee to investigate Un-American Activities, Mr. Martin Dies, June 2, 1943 (ddr-csujad-19-68)
doc Letter from Mr. Myer, WRA Director, to the chairman of the special committee to investigate Un-American Activities, Mr. Martin Dies, June 2, 1943 (ddr-csujad-19-68)
This is a letter from the WRA Director, Mr. Myer to the special committee to investigate Un-American Activities. He speaks about the serious effect of interference by the committee in the work of the WRA. He mentions that the statements made by the committee are fraught with errors, half truths and are completely misleading to the …
Subject: separation of evacuees of doubtful loyalty from loyal evacuees [policy memo by Dillon S. Myer] (ddr-csujad-19-1)
doc Subject: separation of evacuees of doubtful loyalty from loyal evacuees [policy memo by Dillon S. Myer] (ddr-csujad-19-1)
Details the War Relocation Authority's policy to remove to a separate facility "those persons of Japanese ancestry residing in relocation centers who by their acts have indicated that their loyalties lie with Japan during the present hostilities." Along with Policy, headings include Designation of Center for Evacuees of Doubtful Loyalty, referring to Tule Lake; Persons to …
Constitutional principles involved in the relocation program (ddr-csujad-19-67)
doc Constitutional principles involved in the relocation program (ddr-csujad-19-67)
This document is the statement by the Director of the War Relocation Authority regarding the constitutional principles involved in "the relocation program" as the program raises important questions of constitutionality. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: WRA_02-19_02