5 items
5 items

Two articles with photos regarding New York Japanese Consulate employee (ddr-njpa-4-785)
Long article title [translation]: "Working for New York Consulate, Mr. Kenichi Moriwake returning home after 18 years"; Short article title [translation]: "Mr. Kenichi Moriwake landing in Honolulu on the way back to New York"

Two articles with photos regarding New York Japanese Consulate employee (ddr-njpa-4-786)
1940 article title: "Moriwake Here today Enroute to Orient"; 1941 article title: "E. K. Moriwake Back From Trip to Japan."

Kenichi Moriwake, a New York Japanese Consulate employee (ddr-njpa-4-782)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "Working for New York Consulate."