27 items
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Photo of Morikawa children (ddr-densho-446-419)
Ryo with her siblings Anna, George, and Kenji (circa 1931 or 1932)
Group Photo of Bridal Party (ddr-densho-446-389)
Photo of bridal party with attendants identified on the back by Ryo (Morikawa) Tsai and in the Open Door church bulletin.
Interview with Ryo Tsai (ddr-densho-446-415)
Written by Ryo Tsai's grandson David Lee for his high school heritage project
Copy of letter from Ryo Morikawa to Charlotte Louise Peltcher (ddr-densho-446-426)
Request by Ryo to classmate Charlotte for photos from 1939 yearbook that she lost during the war
Letter from Ai Chih Tsai to George "Jack" H. Kerr (ddr-densho-446-200)
Handwritten draft to Jack who is now in Formosa written shortly after Ai Chih Tsai returned from Tokyo. Tsai is at Pentagon. Khe-Beng was commissioned at 2nd Lt. and is in US. They are both eager to return to Formosa.
Letter from Ai Chih Tsai to Chiong-hui (ddr-densho-446-344)
Kenji Morikawa is stationed at General HQ in Tokyo and visited Khe-an and wife. Ai Chih Tsai and Ryo (Morikawa) Tsai met with Dowie and Kerr who just returned from Formosa. Great need for medicines and medical care. Great uncertainty about political situation and transition. Concern that "some incident might occur". Rev. Dickson left for Formosa …
Letter from Ryo Tsai to Elder Brother-in-Law (ddr-densho-446-321)
Warm greetings until we meet. Ai Chih Tsai and Ryo (Morikawa) Tsai met with Commander Dowie, Lt. Kerr, and J. Dickson of Canadian Mission Board in D.C.. Dickson is very enthusiastic about Ai Chih Tsai's plans. Ryo asked that printed literature with details of the plan (buildings, cost, location, mission, current board members, etc. ) would …
Ryo Morikawa Recollections (ddr-densho-446-349)
Autobiography: Ryo's parents, Life in San Diego, 11 months in Japan, Evacuation, Married Life
Letter from Ai Chih Tsai to Ai-le (ddr-densho-446-166)
Draft of letter to Ai Chih Tsai's elder brother. Ai Chih Tsai just returned from Japan and is now working for War Dept. in D.C. Intends to return to Taiwan and establish mission work, but must wait until U.S. Government's position on Taiwan is clear. Ai Chih Tsai is contacting mission boards.
Letter from Ai Chih Tsai to Ai Jin Tsai (ddr-densho-446-331)
Ai Chih Tsai's assignment at Camp Richie is over but he will continue to work for U.S. government. Assigned to raise funds for education and relief. Talked to representative from International Merchandise Co. Mr. Robison is interested in a textile factory or importing undershirts. Ryo (Morikawa) Tsai investigating other possibilities. Ai Chih Tsai expects passport in …
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 43, No. 13 (September 28, 1956) (ddr-pc-28-39)
Selected article titles: "Importance of Increased U.S. Japan Trade to Weaken Communist Lures in Far East Cited to Congressmen" (p. 1), "Urge Justice Dep't Investigate Claims Procedures & Practices" (p. 1), "65 Nisei File for Hawaiian Oct. 6 Primaries" (p. 2), "Proposal to license maintenance gardeners in California rejected by Assembly group; six reasons cited in …
Carbon copy letter from Ai Chih Tsai to J.Y. Lai (ddr-densho-446-414)
Responding to Mr. Lai's letter about the history of Christians in Taiwan. (3 pages)
Keynote Talk: Rev. Ai Chih Tsai Biography and Legacy (ddr-densho-446-353)
Notes for Taiwanese American Historical Society Keynote Talk on May 17, 2017
Carbon copy letter from Ai Chih Tsai to Ng Boksu (ddr-densho-446-413)
Responding to Ng Boksu's inquiry about Taiwanese in the U.S. just before WWII. (5 pages)
Pacific Times: Rev. Ai Chih Tsai: Memories by His Children (ddr-densho-446-351)
Article submitted for publication in the Pacific Times on May 3, 2017.
Rev. Ai Chih Tsai Biography and Legacy (ddr-densho-446-352)
Powerpoint for Taiwanese-American Historical Society Exhibit presented on May 17, 2017
Scrapbook for Southern Alameda County Chapter of JACL (ddr-densho-491-182)
Containing photos, meeting notes, document related to special events, membership lists, social events from 1949-1952
Memoirs 1943 - Minidoka High School Yearbook (ddr-densho-474-48)
Yearbook for the Minidoka High School, property of Starr Urakawa. The school included grades 8-12. Individual students are photographed in senior portraits or class photos. Student activities are represented, including student labor/work experience program ("part-time workers"), May Day royalty, and sports. Student signatures are included throughout the book.
50th Anniversary of the Japanese Congregational Church (ddr-densho-474-52)
This book traces the first fifty years of the history of the JCC in Seattle. The first four pages covering the introduction from Rev. Archie H. Hook and the brief overview of the church's history are in English, as are the photo captions throughout the book.The bulk of the text is in Japanese. The JCC members' …
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