3 items
3 items
Mac and Haru Mori at a dinner table (ddr-densho-477-518)
The caption below the photo reads "Good friends: dinner at Mac & Haru Mori" in black ink.
Harue Takao and Mac Hori wedding portrait (ddr-densho-477-112)
Wedding portrait of Harue (Sao) Mori (left) and Takao Mack Mori (right). The caption below the photo reads "Mitsuko's friend Harue & Takao Mac Mori's wedding 1942" in black ink.
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 48, No. 12 (March 20, 1959) (ddr-pc-31-12)
Selected article titles: "Eisenhower signs Statehood bill without fanfare" (p. 1), "Uncle Sam's 50th star now in view. JACL jubilant over Hawaiian statehood and recognition of its citizens" (p. 1), "Japanese American Democratic Club drops racial designation, reaction is mixed" (p. 3), "Chapter eliminates racial restriction in own high school scholarship program" (p. 4), "Civil rights …