14 items
14 items

Memo regarding Reception Committee Meeting (ddr-densho-356-852)
Memo from John J.O. Moore to members of the Reception Committee to remind them of a committee meeting on August 28, 1943.

Letter to Yuri Domoto from John J. O. Moore (ddr-densho-356-856)
Letter to Yuriko Domoto Tsukada from John J.O. Moore, Chairman of the Reception Committee. The letter is to thank Yuri for her work on the Reception Committee.

Memo regarding Reception Committee Meeting (ddr-densho-356-854)
Memo from John J.O. Moore to members of the Reception Committee to inform them of a change time and date committee meeting to September 4, 1943 and an ask to bring written subcommittee reports to the meeting.

WRA Office Memo to Yuri Domoto from John Moore (ddr-densho-356-362)
WRA office memo to Yuriko Domoto Tsukada from John J. O. Moore in which he invites Yuriko to attend a concert in Lamar. Item tied together with all objects between ddr-densho-356-321 and ddr-densho-356-413.

Results of Discussion Regarding Mutual Problems of Medical Social Worker and Public Welfare Section (ddr-densho-356-928)
An outline of issues discussed at a meeting between Medical Social Workers, Public Health Nurses, and Public Welfare. Topics covered proper protocol to transfer various kinds of cases between departments.

Memo and report (ddr-densho-356-1002)
Memo from John J. O. Moore to case workers regarding the reporting for March attached to Yuriko Domoto Tsukada's March report

Carbon Copy of letter to Dr. T Ishimaru from Yuri Domoto (ddr-densho-356-992)
Carbon Copy of a letter to Dr. T. Ishimaru from Yuriko Domoto Tsukada regarding a report she wrote. Attached to the letter is a blank copy of the questionnaire form used to survey participants for the report.

Letter to Yuri Domoto from James Lindley requesting her to service on the reception committee (ddr-densho-356-851)
Letter from James G. Lindley, Granada Project Director, to Yuriko Domoto Tsukada. The letter requests Yuri serve on the reception committee, which was created to plan for the arrival of approximately 1000 people transferring to Granada from Tule Lake.

Series of Memos and instructions regarding relocation grants (ddr-densho-356-895)
Series of memos and instructions regarding Administrative Instruction 45, assistance to evacuees granted indefinite leave for the purpose of accepting employment. Includes guidance on how to determine who gets assistance, how much assistance can be provided, and inclusion of family members of active duty military personnel.

Referrals and case notes for Strabismus (ddr-densho-356-868)
Referral to John Moore for Strabismus cases to provide funding, case worker notes regarding financial situation and wiliness to undergo treatment. Document has been redacted to protect individual's personal health information.

Reception Committee Meeting Minutes from August 28, 1943 (ddr-densho-356-853)
Meeting minutes from the Reception Committee Meeting on August 28, 1943. Topics include: focus of committee, break down of sub-committees, reports from sub-committees, scheduling of next meeting.

Incoming Evacuees Reception Committee Outline of Duties (ddr-densho-356-857)
Document detailing members of the reception committee, their duties, and the time table for the committee to prepare for the arrival for transfers from Tule Lake.

Meeting Minutes from the Advisory Relocation Board (ddr-densho-356-975)
Meeting minutes from the Advisory Relocation Board Meeting on December 4, 1943. Topics covered include: purpose of the Evacuee Relocation Information Committee, formation of the advisory board, formation of the executive committee of the board, function of the executive committee, elections of members of the executive committee. Attached to the meeting minutes were fare rates for …

Agenda and minutes from the Coordinating Council Conference (ddr-densho-356-891)
Agenda and minutes from the Coordinating Council Conference on March 13, 1943. Conference included sessions on: What are the elements of a good community, concrete examples of good community thinking and planning, how can we achieve a good community in Amache, Environment, Character-Building, Research-Adjustment, Resettlement