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34 items
Letter from Otoharu Takahashi to Henri Takahashi (ddr-densho-422-68)
doc Letter from Otoharu Takahashi to Henri Takahashi (ddr-densho-422-68)
He is celebrating 50th wedding anniversary, 50 years as a Christian, 50 years since he was ordained, and 77 years of age this year. Is retiring from the University and would like to write something about his life.
Letter from Tomoye to Henri Takahashi, Karen and Jim (ddr-densho-422-129)
doc Letter from Tomoye to Henri Takahashi, Karen and Jim (ddr-densho-422-129)
She has been visiting small producers of bamboo products, mostly family cottage industries, is leaving to go to Moji to visit Henri's family, but regrets that can only stay briefly, mentions that the behavior of the men in the US occupation forces is shameful.
Letter from Otoharu Takahashi to Henri and Tomoye Takahashi (ddr-densho-422-51)
doc Letter from Otoharu Takahashi to Henri and Tomoye Takahashi (ddr-densho-422-51)
Christmas wishes to the family, thanks for the letter from Pinkie. Pages in both English and Japanese