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4 items
Mohr family (ddr-ajah-6-774)
img Mohr family (ddr-ajah-6-774)
William and Alfreda Mohr and family members, Alfreda Mohr holding Mataichi Ozeki's daughter, Hatsuyo
Group in field with horse drawn farming equipment (ddr-ajah-6-791)
img Group in field with horse drawn farming equipment (ddr-ajah-6-791)
Caption below photo: Mataichi Ozeki with daughter, Hatsuyo, standing in a field likely owned by William and Alfreda Mohr in the Mt. Eden-Hayward area of California, where they lived and worked. Hatsuyo was born in 1907, thus dating this image to around 1908-1909. The man driving the rig is Alfreda's husband William.
Hatsuyo Ozeki in carriage with unidentified girl (ddr-ajah-6-793)
img Hatsuyo Ozeki in carriage with unidentified girl (ddr-ajah-6-793)
Caption below photo: Hatsuyo Ozeki, of Alameda, CA., and a Caucasian friend, possible related to William and Alfreda Mohr, of Mt Eden-Hayward, where this photo was likely taken, circa 1908.
Document with photos and story of William and Alfreda Mohr (ddr-ajah-6-713)
img Document with photos and story of William and Alfreda Mohr (ddr-ajah-6-713)
Describing relationship with Japanese workers in the area and relationship with Mataichi Ozeki