10 items
10 items
Part IV. Collective adjustments to the relocation center, chapter I: social structure of the community (ddr-csujad-26-5)
Description of camp social structures including "Caucasian-Japanese relations" highlighting tension and hostility by three groups that most directly involve Japanese Americans and the incarceration: The War Relocation Authority (WRA), the US Army and the American public. Using case - studies, the manuscript examines these relationships and discusses the circumstances of incarceration contributing to differences in social …
Recreational organization (ddr-csujad-26-10)
Report detailing the establishment of a recreation and community activities department including its organization, activities planning, personnel problems and conflicts, issues with structure and equipment, and a structural diagram of the community activities section. The report focuses on the place of recreation in the lives of incarcerees and the differences between Issei and Nisei leading to …
Frank Miyamoto Interview I (ddr-densho-1000-50)
Nisei male. Born July 29, 1912, in Seattle, Washington. Wrote 'Social Solidarity Among the Japanese in Seattle' as a Master's thesis, published in 1939 as one of the first academic works on the Japanese immigrant community. Incarcerated in Tule Lake concentration camp, California. Member of the Evacuation and Resettlement Study which studied the incarceration and resettlement …
Frank Miyamoto Interview III (ddr-densho-1000-52)
Nisei male. Born July 29, 1912, in Seattle, Washington. Wrote 'Social Solidarity Among the Japanese in Seattle' as a Master's thesis, published in 1939 as one of the first academic works on the Japanese immigrant community. Incarcerated in Tule Lake concentration camp, California. Member of the Evacuation and Resettlement Study which studied the incarceration and resettlement …
Frank Miyamoto Interview II (ddr-densho-1000-51)
Nisei male. Born July 29, 1912, in Seattle, Washington. Wrote 'Social Solidarity Among the Japanese in Seattle' as a Master's thesis, published in 1939 as one of the first academic works on the Japanese immigrant community. Incarcerated in Tule Lake concentration camp, California. Member of the Evacuation and Resettlement Study which studied the incarceration and resettlement …
Frank Miyamoto Interview IV (ddr-densho-1000-145)
Nisei male. Born July 29, 1912, in Seattle, Washington. Wrote 'Social Solidarity Among the Japanese in Seattle' as a Master's thesis, published in 1939 as one of the first academic works on the Japanese immigrant community. Incarcerated in Tule Lake concentration camp, California. Member of the Evacuation and Resettlement Study which studied the incarceration and resettlement …
Immigrants and Citizens of Japanese Origin (ddr-csujad-19-49)
This article by Shotaro Frank Miyamoto explains in detail about the concentration of the Japanese Americans on the West Coast, the history of anti-Japanese activities in this region and the racial antagonism expressed by American people against the Japanese in their midst. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: WRA_02-07_03
Frank Miyamoto Interview (ddr-densho-1002-1)
Nisei male. Born July 29, 1912, in Seattle, Washington. Wrote 'Social Solidarity Among the Japanese in Seattle' as a Master's thesis, published in 1939 as one of the first academic works on the Japanese immigrant community. Incarcerated in Tule Lake concentration camp, California. Member of the Evacuation and Resettlement Study which studied the incarceration and resettlement …
Book of 70th Anniversary of Japanese Congregational Church (ddr-densho-446-455)
The Japanese Congregational Church's 70th Anniversary coincided with the 100th Anniversary of the Japanese Christian Mission in North America. This book traces the history of JCC within the larger setting of national and local events, and some of the photos and narratives may be of interest. Ai Chih Tsai was pastor at JCC from 1948 to …
70th Anniversary of the Japanese Congregational Church (ddr-densho-474-53)
The Japanese Congregational Church's 70th Anniversary book traces the history of JCC within the context of national and local events.