2 items
2 items
Letter adding a contribution to the gift fund for Larry and Guyo Tajiri (ddr-densho-338-396)
Scotty Miyakawa's contribution to the gift fund. The JACL Committee of 150 honored Larry and Guyo Tajiri for their work with the Pacific Citizen.
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 77, No. 21, (November 23, 1973) (ddr-pc-45-46)
Select article titles: "Membership Procedures Revamped, New Card Made" (p.1); "East Coast-JARP Striving for Wrap-Up on $45,200 Budget" (p.1); "Use of 'JPN' Assured by U.S. Gov't Printers" (p.1); "FBI Probes Minority Business Aid" (p.3).