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Sketches for proposed tower to be built at Minidoka (ddr-densho-122-184)
for Pilgrimage to Minidoka
Minidoka map (ddr-densho-430-2)
Map of Minidoka Relocation Center produced by the Minidoka Pilgrimage based off a map made by Anky Arai.
Seattle Chapter, JACL Reporter, Vol. 40, No. 7, July 2003 (ddr-sjacl-1-511)
Newsletter covering the following topics: Emily Momohara recounts this year?s Minidoka Pilgrimage and all the poignant stories shared; JACL Bi-District held in Twin Falls to coincide with the Minidoka Pilgrimage.
Kay Sakai Nakao Interview Segment 19 (ddr-densho-1001-3-19)
Taking a pilgrimage to former camp site of Minidoka
David Sakura Interview II Segment 14 (ddr-densho-1000-513-14)
Attending the Minidoka pilgrimage: "it was really an act of healing"
Seattle Chapter, JACL Reporter, Vol. 44, No. 5, May 2007 (ddr-sjacl-1-577)
Selected article titles: "Minidoka Pilgrimage" (p. 1), "Asian Pacific Islander Heritage Month Events" (p. 1), "Sakura Matsuri" (p. 1).
Seattle Chapter, JACL Reporter, Vol. 46, No. 7, July 2009 (ddr-sjacl-1-588)
Selected article titles: "Minidoka Pilgrimage 2009" (p. 1-2), "The Will of a Samurai" (p. 1, 3), "A Part of Bon Odori" (p. 1).
Seattle Chapter, JACL Reporter, Vol. 44, No. 4, April 2007 (ddr-sjacl-1-576)
Selected article titles: "Minidoka Pilgrimage 2007" (p. 1, 3), "Martin Luther King County Logo Unveiled" (p. 1, 3), "Scholarship and Past President's Luncheon" (p. 1).
Seattle Chapter, JACL Reporter, Vol. 42, No. 8, August 2005 (ddr-sjacl-1-567)
Selected article titles: "My Experience at the JACL National Youth Conference" (p. 1), "Lake Washington Chapter Cookbook Sale" (p. 1), "Minidoka Pilgrimage" (p. 1, 3).
Seattle Chapter, JACL Reporter, Vol. 42, No. 5, May 2005 (ddr-sjacl-1-565)
Selected article titles: "Annual Scholarship Dinner" (p. 1), "Minidoka Pilgrimage" (p. 1), "Internment Workshop at Lakeside" (p. 1, 3), "Racial Harassment at WSU" (p. 1).
Seattle Chapter, JACL Reporter, Vol. 40, No. 4, May 2003 (ddr-sjacl-1-558)
Selected article titles: "Asian Pacific American Heritage Month Event" (p. 1), "Long Term Care Workshop" (p. 1), "Awarding our Scholars" (p. 1), "Minidoka Pilgrimage" (p. 1).
Seattle Chapter, JACL Reporter, Vol. 41, No. 4, April 2004 (ddr-sjacl-1-562)
Selected article titles: "Cherry Kinoshita Receives Jefferson Award" (p. 1), "Bruce Yamashita Program" (p. 1), "2004 Minidoka Pilgrimage" (p. 1), "A Part of the JACL" (p.1, 3).
Seattle Chapter, JACL Reporter, Vol. 43, No. 5, May 2006 (ddr-sjacl-1-571)
Selected article titles: "Minidoka Pilgrimage" (p. 1, 3), "JACL Youth Movement" (p. 1), "National Convention and Seattle Chapter Resolution" (p. 1, 3), "Civil Rights Corner" (p. 1, 3), "Workshops on the Internment" (p. 1, 3).
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 89, No. 2066 (October 26, 1979) (ddr-pc-51-42)
Selected article titles: "Seattle Calls Off Pilgrimage to Minidoka Campsite" (p. 1), "Issei Had Ventured into Yukon Before '98 Klondike Gold Rush" (p. 1), "Peppermint Whirl: Factors in Aging" (pp. 4, 7), and "PNWDC Urges Japanese Americans Be Named to Redress Commission" (p. 6).
Seattle Chapter, JACL Reporter, Vol. 43, No. 2, February 2006 (ddr-sjacl-1-570)
Selected article titles: "Minidoka Pilgrimage" (p. 1, 3), "Candlelight Vigil" (p. 1), Civil Rights Committee" (p. 1, 3), "Day of Remembrance: Reading of Gold Watch" (p. 1, 3), "A Successful Senior Driving Class" (p. 3), "The Hawaii Japanese American World War II Story" (p. 3).
Suzuki Family Collection (ddr-densho-243)
The Suzuki Family Collection contains photographs from Warren Suzuki. They cover life at Minidoka concentration camp, Idaho during the war and a pilgrimage back in later years.
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 85, No. 16 (October 14, 1977) (ddr-pc-49-40)
Selected article titles: "Bakke Case Questions Right of Asians as 'Minority'" (p.1), "Pocatello in Pilgrimage to Minidoka" (p.1), "Ohio Governor Issues Public Apology" (p.1), "JACL Forum Explores Impact of Bakke Case" (p.2-3), "'Honor Thy Mother'" (p.5), "Sculptor Noguchi Speaking at UCLA to Initiate Art Council Lectures" (p.7).
Seattle Chapter, JACL Reporter, Vol. 46, No. 4, April 2009 (ddr-sjacl-1-585)
Selected article titles: "Education Initiative" (p. 1-2), "Exhibit at the Law Library of Seattle University Schoo of Law: Fred T. Korematsu and the Pursuit of Justice" (p. 1), "Charitable Bequests and Traditional IRAs" (p. 1), "Support: Assure Our History" (p. 1-2), "Volunteer: ACRS Walk for Rice" (p. 2), "Minidoka Pilgrimage" (p. 3).
Seattle Chapter, JACL Reporter, Vol. XVI, No. 11, November 1979 (ddr-sjacl-1-284)
Newsletter covering the following topics: Board meeting to discuss direction for Seattle JACL redress direction. A large turnout is requested; Camp Harmony monument delayed for lack of funding; Press Conference for ?Day of Remembrance? Postponement of Pilgrimage??Japanese Americans in Idaho fear white backlash, say ?Day of Remembrance: at Minidoka by former concentration camp internees will ?embarrass? …
Seattle Chapter, JACL Reporter, Vol. 41, No. 8, August 2004 (ddr-sjacl-1-520)
Newsletter covering the following topics: Tom Ikeda, JA of the Biennium, will be awarded at Honolulu National Convention; Chapter social with Lake Washington JACL at Muckleshoot Casino; Chapter at ID Fair; Bill Tashima recounts the story of May Namba personally delivering paper cranes to the Minidoka Pilgrimage in Twin Falls after forgetting to pass them on …
Seattle Chapter, JACL Reporter, Vol. XVI, No. 10, October 1979 (ddr-sjacl-1-283)
Newsletter covering the following topics: Minidoka Pilgrimage postponed. Not enough reservations to fill a charter plane. Idaho Nikkei who were not evacuated feared white backlash especially the planned building and burning of a watchtower. Good opining of ?quiet American? actions vs respect for Issei for whom a pilgrimage represents a visit to resting place for fallen …
Seattle Chapter, JACL Reporter, Vol. XVI, No. 8, August 1979 (ddr-sjacl-1-282)
Newsletter covering the following topics: Minidoka Pilgrimage postponed at the request of Pocatello/Blackfoot JACL; visions of planeloads of outsiders carrying out radical type programs was too much for the local committee; Mich Matsudaira and Frank Chin subsequently visited Twin Falls Interesting articles on both reception and coolness to Seattle participants. Local participants objected to wearing number …
Seattle Chapter, JACL Reporter, Vol. XVI, No. 8, August 1979 (ddr-sjacl-1-382)
Newsletter covering the following topics: Minidoka Pilgrimage postponed at the request of Pocatello/Blackfoot JACL; visions of planeloads of outsiders carrying out radical type programs was too much for the local committee; Mich Matsudaira and Frank Chin subsequently visited Twin Falls Interesting articles on both reception and coolness to Seattle participants. Local participants objected to wearing number …
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