22 items
22 items
McNeil Island Penitentiary, Washington (ddr-densho-37-842)
Original caption: A view of the oiginal #1 cell house and officers quarters.
McNeil Island Penitentiary, Washington (ddr-densho-37-840)
Original caption: View showing auto shop - machine shop as constructed in 1934 -- note old bachelor officer quarters at right.
Akio Hoshino Segment 12 (ddr-densho-1000-26-12)
Description of McNeil Island Penitentiary, Washington; imprisoned for resisting the draft
Gene Akutsu Interview II (ddr-densho-1000-210)
Nisei male. Born 1925 in Seattle, Washington. Spent prewar childhood in Seattle's Nihonmachi. Incarcerated at Puyallup Assembly Center, Washington, and Minidoka concentration camp, Idaho. Refused to participate in draft, imprisoned at McNeil Island Penitentiary, Washington, for resisting the draft. Resettled in Seattle.
Akio Hoshino Interview (ddr-densho-1000-26)
Nisei male. Born April 28, 1919, in Seattle, Washington. Spent prewar years in Seattle's Central area. Incarcerated at the Puyallup Assembly Center, Washington, and Minidoka concentration camp, Idaho. Resisted draft orders and was imprisoned at McNeil Island Penitentiary, Washington. Resettled in Seattle area after release.
Gene Akutsu Interview I (ddr-densho-1000-1)
Nisei male. Born September 23, 1925, in Seattle, Washington. Spent prewar childhood in Seattle's Nihonmachi. Incarcerated at Puyallup Assembly Center, Washington, and Minidoka concentration camp, Idaho. Refused to participate in the draft and was imprisoned at McNeil Island Penitentiary, Washington, for draft resistance. Resettled in Seattle.
Frank Yamasaki Interview II (ddr-densho-1000-131)
Nisei male. Born January 26, 1923, in Seattle, Washington. Spent prewar childhood in South Park and Belltown areas of Seattle. Incarcerated at the Puyallup Assembly Center, Washington and Minidoka concentration camp, Idaho. Refused to participate in draft, imprisoned at McNeil Island Penitentiary, Washington, for resisting the draft. Resettled in Seattle.
Frank Yamasaki Interview I (ddr-densho-1000-107)
Nisei male. Born January 26, 1923, in Seattle, Washington. Spent prewar childhood in South Park and Belltown areas of Seattle. Incarcerated at the Puyallup Assembly Center, Washington and Minidoka concentration camp, Idaho. Refused to participate in draft, imprisoned at McNeil Island Penitentiary, Washington, for resisting the draft. Resettled in Seattle.
Narrator Akio Hoshino
Nisei male. Born April 28, 1919, in Seattle, Washington. Spent prewar years in Seattle's Central area. Incarcerated at the Puyallup Assembly Center, Washington, and Minidoka concentration camp, Idaho. Resisted draft orders and was imprisoned at McNeil Island Penitentiary, Washington. Resettled in Seattle area after release.
Jim Akutsu Interview (ddr-densho-1000-2)
Nisei male. Born January 25, 1920, in Seattle, Washington. Incarcerated at the Puyallup Assembly Center, Washington, and Minidoka concentration camp, Idaho. Resisted the draft, with the rationale that the U.S. government had classified him 4-C, an enemy alien, and he was therefore under no obligation to serve. Imprisoned at McNeil Island Penitentiary, Washington. Vocal critic of …
Gene Akutsu Interview (ddr-densho-1016-4)
Nisei male. Born 1925 in Seattle, Washington. Spent prewar childhood in Seattle's Nihonmachi. Incarcerated at Puyallup Assembly Center, Washington, and Minidoka concentration camp, Idaho. Refused to participate in draft, imprisoned at McNeil Island Penitentiary, Washington, for resisting the draft. Resettled in Seattle.
(This material is based upon work assisted by a grant from the Department of …
Narrator Gene Akutsu
Nisei male. Born September 23, 1925, in Seattle, Washington. Spent prewar childhood in Seattle's Nihonmachi. Incarcerated at Puyallup Assembly Center, Washington, and Minidoka concentration camp, Idaho. Refused to participate in the draft and was imprisoned at McNeil Island Penitentiary, Washington, for draft resistance. Resettled in Seattle.
Narrator Frank Yamasaki
Nisei male. Born January 26, 1923, in Seattle, Washington. Spent prewar childhood in South Park and Belltown areas of Seattle. Incarcerated at the Puyallup Assembly Center, Washington and Minidoka concentration camp, Idaho. Refused to participate in draft, imprisoned at McNeil Island Penitentiary, Washington, for resisting the draft. Resettled in Seattle.
Hirabayashi Taken To McNeil Camp (December 28, 1944) (ddr-densho-56-1089)
The Seattle Daily Times, December 28, 1944, p. 13
The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 19 No. 2 (July 15, 1944) (ddr-pc-16-29)
Selected article titles: "Hunt Leads WRA Centers in Relocation" (p. 1), "Report Shows No Sabotage by Canada Nisei" (p. 1), "Famed Merrill's Marauders Back Rights of U.S. Nisei" (p. 3), "2,100 Graduates High Schools in Relocation Camps" (p. 3), "Draft Evaders Sent to Prison in Washington. Special Rail Prison Car Takes Evacuees To McNeil Island" (p. …
Narrator Jim Akutsu
Nisei male. Born January 25, 1920, in Seattle, Washington. Incarcerated at the Puyallup Assembly Center, Washington, and Minidoka concentration camp, Idaho. Resisted the draft, with the rationale that the U.S. government had classified him 4-C, an enemy alien, and he was therefore under no obligation to serve. Imprisoned at McNeil Island Penitentiary, Washington. Vocal critic of …
Jim Akutsu Interview (ddr-densho-122-12)
Nisei male. Born 1920 in Seattle, Washington. Incarcerated at Puyallup Assembly Center, Washington, and Minidoka concentration camp, Idaho. Resisted draft, with the rationale that the U.S. government had classified him 4-C, an enemy alien, and he was therefore under no obligation to serve. Imprisoned at McNeil Island Penitentiary, Washington. Vocal critic of JACL. Resettled in Seattle, …
Mits Koshiyama Interview (ddr-densho-1000-130)
Nisei male. Born August 7, 1924, in Mountain View, California. Grew up in the Santa Clara Valley, California, working on his family's leased strawberry farm. In June of 1942, he was involuntarily "evacuated" to Santa Anita Assembly Center, California, then to Heart Mountain concentration camp, Wyoming. Graduated from high school in camp and at the age …
Narrator Mits Koshiyama
Nisei male. Born August 7, 1924, in Mountain View, California. Grew up in the Santa Clara Valley, California, working on his family's leased strawberry farm. In June of 1942, he was involuntarily "evacuated" to Santa Anita Assembly Center, California, then to Heart Mountain concentration camp, Wyoming. Graduated from high school in camp and at the age …
Mits Koshiyama Interview (ddr-densho-122-10)
Nisei male. Born August 7, 1924, in Mountain View, California. Grew up in the Santa Clara Valley, California, working on his family's leased strawberry farm. In June of 1942, he was involuntarily "evacuated" to Santa Anita Assembly Center, California, then to Heart Mountain concentration camp, Wyoming. Graduated from high school in camp and at the age …
Mits Koshiyama Interview (ddr-densho-1002-6)
Nisei male. Born August 7, 1924, in Mountain View, California. Grew up in the Santa Clara Valley, California, working on his family's leased strawberry farm. In June of 1942, he was involuntarily "evacuated" to Santa Anita Assembly Center, California, then to Heart Mountain concentration camp, Wyoming. Graduated from high school in camp and at the age …