5 items
5 items
John W. McCormack (ddr-njpa-1-960)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "No. 9,654. John W. McCormack. (US) Congressman. [Stamped] August 4, 1941."
John W. McCormack (ddr-njpa-1-961)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "No. 9,656. John W. McCormack. (US) Congressman. [Stamped] August 5, 1941."
Series of responses to a letter (ddr-densho-67-46)
A series of responses to a letter written by Congressman Charles F. Ayer to John W. McCormack regarding the "Jap menace" in Hawaii. Urges the evacuation of all Japanese from Hawaii to the mainland to protect from invasion. McCormack forwards this letter to Henry L. Stimson. Thos. T. Handy, assistant chief of staff, forwards the McCormack …
Presidential inauguration invitation and program (ddr-densho-433-229)
An invitation and program for the presidential inauguration of John F. Kennedy.