125 items
Walter Matsuoka leans against a car (ddr-densho-390-78)
Walter leans against a Ford Customline car parked in a driveway.
Walter Matsuoka sits on a boulder (ddr-densho-390-68)
Walter, wearing a letterman jacket, sits on a boulder.
Walter Matsuoka and a companion stand in profile (ddr-densho-390-57)
Walter and a companion, dressed in blue jeans, stand looking off camera and smiling.
Walter Matsuoka kneels in a wooded area (ddr-densho-390-61)
Walter kneels in a wooded area, with a smoking pipe in his teeth.
Walter Matsuoka stands next to an automobile (ddr-densho-390-88)
Walter stands next to the driver's side of an automobile.
Walter Matsuoka and a companion pose with a car (ddr-densho-390-79)
Walter kneels and rests his hand on the bumper of a car, while another man stands behind him with his hand resting on the hood of the car.
Group of young adults (ddr-densho-390-65)
A group of young men and women stand on the steps outside a building. Walter Matsuoka is on the second row, second from the right.
The Matsuokas at a gas station stop (ddr-densho-390-112)
Family friend Satoko, Walter, Kimiko, and child, stand next to a van at a gas station.