125 items
125 items

Walter Matsuoka holds up his infant son (ddr-densho-390-109)
Walter Matsuoka holds up his infant son.

Merit badge application (ddr-densho-390-124)
A partially filled in merit badge application for Walter Matsuoka.

Portrait of Walter Matsuoka (ddr-densho-390-76)
Walter Matsuoka smiles in front of a backdrop of painted greenery.

Portrait of Walter Matsuoka (ddr-densho-390-58)
Walter Matsuoka smiles in front of a backdrop of painted greenery.

Portrait of Walter Matsuoka (ddr-densho-390-59)
Walter Matsuoka smiles in front of a backdrop of painted greenery.

Matsuoka family photograph album (ddr-densho-390-45)
A photograph album spanning several decades, containing photographs primarily of Walter Matsuoka.

Sho, David, and Walter Matsuoka stand outside (ddr-densho-390-63)
Sho, David, and Walter Matsuoka stand outside, probably at the Amache concentration camp.

Portrait of Walter Matsuoka (ddr-densho-390-148)
A photograph from Fox Studios of Walter in uniform with a handwritten note: To Mom and Pop. Love, Walter.

Walter N. Matsuoka Interview (ddr-densho-1010-3)
Nisei male. Born September 25, 1926, in Walnut Grove, California. Grew up in Walnut Grove, where father owned and operator a shoe sales and repair business. Following the bombing of Pearl Harbor, removed to the Merced Assembly Center, California, and the Granada concentration camp, Colorado. After the war, returned to Walnut Grove. Was drafted and served …

Courtland Joint Union High School La Perita yearbook (ddr-densho-390-152)
The 1946 edition of the Courtland Joint Union High School yearbook, La Perita, belonging to Walter Matsuoka. Walter is included in the candid shots. Sho Matsuoka is included in the senior class portraits. David Matsuoka is included in the sophomore class photograph and basketball ball team photograph. The yearbook includes several handwritten messages and signatures.

Graduation day memories (ddr-densho-390-17)
A memory book compiled by Walter Matsuoka about his days at Courtland Joint Union High School.

Amache High School Onlooker yearbook (ddr-densho-390-151)
The 1945 (and final) edition of the Amache High School yearbook, Onlooker, belonging to Walter Matsuoka. Walter is included in the sophomore class portraits and candid shots. Sho Matsuoka is included in the football team photograph. The yearbook includes several handwritten messages and signatures.

Courtland Joint Union High School La Perita yearbook (ddr-densho-390-153)
The 1947 edition of the Courtland Joint Union High School yearbook, La Perita, belonging to Walter Matsuoka. Walter is included in the senior class portraits, senior activities, and football photographs. David Matsuoka is included in the junior class photograph. The yearbook includes several handwritten messages and signatures.

Amache High School Onlooker yearbook (ddr-densho-390-150)
The 1944 edition of the Amache High School yearbook, Onlooker, belonging to Walter Matsuoka. Walter is included in the freshman class portraits. The yearbook includes several handwritten messages and signatures.

Walter Matsuoka and a woman sit on a rocky bank (ddr-densho-390-96)
Walter Matsuoka holds a camera and sticks out his tongue while a woman kneels behind him on rocky area.

Walter Matsuoka stands with skis (ddr-densho-390-100)
Walter, probably on a school field trip, stands in the snow with skis.

Group photograph at the McClellan Air Force Base (ddr-densho-390-102)
A group photograph of McCellan Air Force Base employees. Walter Matsuoka is on the second row, third from the right side.