5 items
5 items
Clarence Matsumura in Germany (ddr-densho-22-95)
Caption on reverse: "Pfc. Clarence Matsumura / Just relaxing in the snow / Aschelding, Germany / May 1, 1945 / Photo by: Nobuo Takamori."
Photograph and article regarding Sonosuke Nagasaki (ddr-njpa-4-1067)
Article [translation]: "President Nagasaki of National Railways attended travel conference. President Nagasaki of Japan National Railways, who has been touring Europe, arrived in Hawaii last night by a Pan American airplane from New York to attend the Pacific Travel Conference session. He spoke about his European inspection as follows: 'The purpose of this inspection was to …
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 42, No. 10 (March 9, 1956) (ddr-pc-28-10)
Selected article titles: "Lane-Hillings Evacuation Claims Bill Unanimously Passed by House" (p. 1), "Asia Reds keep up discrimination tales" (p. 1), "JACL Asks FBI Hunt 'Lincoln Yamamoto'" (p. 1), "Bob Sakata honored Colorado's young farmer of year" (p. 2), "Oregon governor praises Japanese Americans, say 'no group has better earned' right to citizenship at Snake River …
Memoirs 1943 - Minidoka High School Yearbook (ddr-densho-474-48)
Yearbook for the Minidoka High School, property of Starr Urakawa. The school included grades 8-12. Individual students are photographed in senior portraits or class photos. Student activities are represented, including student labor/work experience program ("part-time workers"), May Day royalty, and sports. Student signatures are included throughout the book.