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10 items
Harvesting onions (ddr-densho-107-12)
img Harvesting onions (ddr-densho-107-12)
Left to right: Mr. Heisaku Nakatani, who worked for Matsumoto Ranch, Roy, Takeshi, and Tei Matsumoto.
Portraits of Issei couple (ddr-densho-107-30)
img Portraits of Issei couple (ddr-densho-107-30)
Roy Matsumoto's mother, Tei Matsumoto, was the youngest daughter of a samurai, Shinjiro Kimura. Her elder brother, Koichi Kimura was Wakaji Matsumoto's (Roy's father's) classmate in school, and a second cousin. Tei managed the Matsumoto farm after Wakamatsu (Roy's grandfather) retired to Japan. Before WWII started, she went to Hiroshima, Japan, with her family. She escaped …
Portraits of elderly couple (ddr-densho-107-29)
img Portraits of elderly couple (ddr-densho-107-29)
Roy Matsumoto's paternal grandparents. Roy's paternal grandfather, Wakamatsu, was the youngest son of the Matsumoto family. He married his sweetheart and came to Kauai, HI, as a government contract laborer to work in the sugar cane fields. Upon completion of the contract, he came to the mainland United States, leased land in southern California, and operated …
Family harvesting onions (ddr-densho-107-5)
img Family harvesting onions (ddr-densho-107-5)
Left to right: Heisaku Nakatani (farm hand who came to the U.S. from the same village as Roy's grandfather, Wakamatsu Matsumoto, in Hiroshima, Japan), Roy, Takeshi, and Roy's mother, Tei Matsumoto.
Family on an outing (ddr-densho-107-11)
img Family on an outing (ddr-densho-107-11)
Visit to Hollywood Mountain. Left to right: Uncle Frank Matsumoto, Noboru (fourth son), Tsutomu (third son), Takeshi (second son), and Roy (eldest son). Tei Matsumoto, mother of all the children, standing behind children.
Family photo (ddr-densho-107-26)
img Family photo (ddr-densho-107-26)
Left to right: Wakaji Matsumoto (Roy Matsumoto's father), Shizue (younger sister), Tei (mother), Harue (older sister), Isao (younger brother), and Takeshi. (younger brother).
Family photograph (ddr-densho-107-6)
img Family photograph (ddr-densho-107-6)
Front row (L to R): Roy, Takeshi. Middle row (L to R): Frank Matsumoto (Roy's uncle), Aunty Kitahara (Grandfather's cousin) on her lap, Tsutomu (Tom), Mrs. Muranaka. Back row (L to R): Tei Matsumoto (Roy's mother), Yasaku Muranaka (Roy's Grandfather's half brother).
Family on a dock (ddr-densho-107-8)
img Family on a dock (ddr-densho-107-8)
Front row (L to R): Takeshi, Roy, Uncle Frank Matsumoto. Back row (L to R): unknown, Mr. Nakatani, unknown, Roy's grandfather Wakamatsu Matsumoto, Mrs. Kitahara, unknown, Mrs. Muranaka, unknown, Tom (baby) held by Roy's mother, Tei Matsumoto. This picture was taken by Roy's father, Wakaji, when Roy's grandfather left for Japan to retire.
Family on a dock (ddr-densho-107-19)
img Family on a dock (ddr-densho-107-19)
Front row (L to R): Unknown man with child (standing), unknown woman, Noboru, Tsutomu, Teruyo Muranaka, Wakaji Matsumoto (Roy Matsumoto's father), Frank Matsumoto (Roy's uncle). Second row (L to R): Tei Matsumoto with baby Harue (Roy's mother and sister), Mrs. Muranaka and son Shigeru. Back row (L to R): unknown, Yasaku Muranaka (Roy's great uncle), unknown, …
Japanese Immigrants in Idaho, Nevada, Utah and Wyoming (ddr-densho-423-339)
doc Japanese Immigrants in Idaho, Nevada, Utah and Wyoming (ddr-densho-423-339)
Including photos of businesses and homes, family portraits, state maps. Section of full and partial page advertisements for businesses including photos and proprietors between pages 272 and 273.