22 items
22 items
Woman with dry cliffs in background (ddr-densho-464-89)
Inscription on front: Asano Maruyama 1943
Farewell party (ddr-densho-363-50)
Kimi Kuwahara, Tomiye Ichida and others attending a farewell party for Asano Maruyama.
Five women on ladder (ddr-densho-464-59)
Inscription on front: Yuki Kawada, Kimi Ushida, me, Asano Maruyama, Hatsuya Shimizu / 1944
Four people standing on hill (ddr-densho-464-70)
Inscription on front: Okamoto Isuya Asano head-water / 1944
Six people sitting on ground at picnic (ddr-densho-464-53)
Inscription on front: Asano putting pigtail on Mr. Kubo
Farewell party (ddr-densho-363-49)
Kimi Uchida, Chiyo Sakane, Kimi Kuwahara, and Tomiye Ichida attending a farewell party for Asano Maruyama.
Mess Hall picnic (ddr-densho-363-43)
Mes hall 21-27 picnic to the Shoshone River. Front Row: Mr. Nakamura, Asano Maruyama, Kimi Kuwahara, Tomiye Ichida; Back Row: Yanaichi Kubo, Joanne Kuwahara, Nancy Oyama
Mess Hall picnic (ddr-densho-363-41)
Mess Hall employees relax next to Shoshone River during the staff picnic. Pictured (from left to right): Tomiye Ichida, Nancy Oyama, Joanne Kuwahara, Kimi Kuwahara, and Asano Maruyama
Couple with wedding cake (ddr-densho-464-87)
Inscription on front: Asano & Butch Higachiyama / 1-23-46
Mess Hall picnic (ddr-densho-363-44)
Mess hall workers pose next to the Shoshone River during workers' picnic. Front row: Joanne Kuwahara, Mr. Nakamura, Asano Maruyama, Kimi Kuwahara, Tomic Ichida; Back row: Unidentified, Nancy Oyama
Three women and a man in field (ddr-densho-464-52)
Inscription on front: Tsuyako, Asano, Yoshimi
Five people sitting on rocks (ddr-densho-464-66)
Inscription on front: Yukiko Kimiko Mr. Asano Hatsuye / 1944
Mess Hall workers (ddr-densho-363-48)
The caption on the front of the photograph reads "Mess 21-27 heart Mt Wyo.". Standing: Asano Maruayama, Kazuko Yokoi, Kimi Kuwahara; Sitting: Mayeda- san, Muto, Johnny
Summer hike (ddr-densho-363-11)
A group poses for a photograph on a summer hike from Heart Mountain. Front row (left to right): Asano Marutama, Kiyo, Kimiko, Nancy Oyama, Hatsuye Shimizu; Back row: Mr. Yamamoto, Kimi Kuwahara, Tomi Ichida, Toshiko
Group standing outside building marked B-21-27 (ddr-densho-464-57)
Inscription on front: Tom Mishizuki, Mrs. Shimizu, Isuya, Ruth, Kazuko, Howard, Asano, Kimiko Toshido, Chiyo / 1944
Mess Hall picnic (ddr-densho-363-39)
The caption at the bottom of the photograph reads "21-27 Mess hall Picnic to Shoshone River 1944". \n\nFirst row (left to right): Unidentified, Toshiko Tsuyuki, Unidentified, Unidentified, Joanne Kuwahara, Nabata, Hatsuye Shimizu, Nancy Oyama, Saito, ... Mr. Nakamura (3rd from right) Second row: Tomi Ichida (4th from right), Kimi Kuwahara (3rd from right), Asano Maruyama (2nd …
Farewell party (ddr-densho-363-51)
The caption on the bottom of the photograph reads "Asano Maruyama's Farewell Party [standing] Chiyo Sakane, Kimi Uchida, Tomi Ichida, H. Shimizu, Ruth Murakami [sitting] me [Kimi Kuwahara], Asano, Toshiko Tsuyuki 1944".
Japanese Directory 1931 (ddr-densho-423-340)
Includes portraits of families at home or at businesses, large group photos at community gatherings such a sports events, photos of businesses including shops, factories and farms, and address lists. Listing includes five names at the address of the Starlight Laundry: Choko Nozawa, Takeyoshi Omura; Fusatoshi Sakanai, Takasuke Takeshita, Nobuo Yasaki