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114 items
Japanese American outside barracks (ddr-densho-151-397)
img Japanese American outside barracks (ddr-densho-151-397)
Original caption: Manzanar Relocation Center, Manzanar, California. Evacuee of Japanese ancestry at this War Relocation Authority center.
Young Japanese Americans playing (ddr-densho-151-377)
img Young Japanese Americans playing (ddr-densho-151-377)
Original caption: Manzanar Relocation Center, Manzanar, California. Young evacuees of Japanese ancestry at this War Relocation Authority center.
Young Japanese American reading comics (ddr-densho-151-472)
img Young Japanese American reading comics (ddr-densho-151-472)
Original caption: Manzanar Relocation Center, Manzanar, California. Evacuee boy at this War Relocation Authority center reading the Funnies.
Manzanar session of the Inyo and Mono counties (ddr-csujad-48-49)
doc Manzanar session of the Inyo and Mono counties (ddr-csujad-48-49)
Public outreach brochure for Manzanar Session of the Inyo and Mono Counties; the front page contains a stylized print of the barracks with a tree in front (possibly a wood-cut or etching). Contains a program for a visit to Manzanar and anecdotal information and facts regarding the incarceration camp and the people within. Transcription is found …
Manzanar Relocation Area civilian pass (ddr-csujad-48-48)
doc Manzanar Relocation Area civilian pass (ddr-csujad-48-48)
Manzanar Relocation Area civilian pass for Shirley Wells. No. 50; Good only for March; Name Shirley Wells; Position Superv. Nurse; Height 5'4" Eyes Blue Hair Brown; Signed by the Acting Asst. Project Director and the Pass Holder. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: ecm_wells_0048
Important items for your attention (ddr-csujad-48-136)
doc Important items for your attention (ddr-csujad-48-136)
A memorandum to education personnel highlighting new procedures. This includes the use of the materials in the Visual Education Department and the Text-Book warehouse, creating a record of complaints and disturbances, encouraging the creation of a daily schedule, and planning at least a weeks worth of lessons, and discussing the new library service in Study Hall …
Portrait of a young Japanese American (ddr-densho-151-378)
img Portrait of a young Japanese American (ddr-densho-151-378)
Original caption: Manzanar Relocation Center, Manzanar, California. A young evacuee of Japanese ancestry at this War Relocation Authority center.
Mess hall food (ddr-densho-37-413)
img Mess hall food (ddr-densho-37-413)
Original WRA caption: Manzanar Relocation Center, Manzanar, California. Meals are being served cafeteria style at this War Relocation Authority Center.
Grandfather and grandson (ddr-densho-151-51)
img Grandfather and grandson (ddr-densho-151-51)
Original WRA caption: Manzanar Relocation Center, Manzanar, California. Grandfather and grandson of Japanese ancestry at this War Relocation Authority center.
Photo of Manzanar (ddr-densho-355-292)
img Photo of Manzanar (ddr-densho-355-292)
Caption: "War Relocation Center \ Manzanar California \ Copyright by Manzanar Cooperative Enterprises, Inc."
Japanese Americans watching baseball game (ddr-densho-151-468)
img Japanese Americans watching baseball game (ddr-densho-151-468)
Original caption: Manzanar Relocation Center, Manzanar, California. Evacuees watching a ball game late in the afternoon at this War Relocation Authority center.
Japanese Americans relaxing in shade (ddr-densho-151-427)
img Japanese Americans relaxing in shade (ddr-densho-151-427)
Original caption: Manzanar Relocation Center, Manzanar, California. Evacuees at this War Relocation Authority center relaxing in the shade of their barrack apartment.
Japanese American spraying hose (ddr-densho-151-428)
img Japanese American spraying hose (ddr-densho-151-428)
Original caption: Manzanar Relocation Center, Manzanar, California. Fire equipment is uesd to keep the dust down at this War Relocation Authoriy center.
Japanese Americans taking art classes (ddr-densho-151-479)
img Japanese Americans taking art classes (ddr-densho-151-479)
Original caption: Manzanar Relocation Center, Manzanar, California. In the Art School at this War Relocation Authority center for evacuees of Japanese ancestry.
Japanese Americans waiting in line for mess hall (ddr-densho-37-812)
img Japanese Americans waiting in line for mess hall (ddr-densho-37-812)
Original WRA caption: Manzanar Relocation Center, Manzanar, California. Ready to pass into dining room at Manzanar, a War Relocation Authority center for evacuees of Japanese ancestry.
Japanese Americans playing go (ddr-densho-151-398)
img Japanese Americans playing go (ddr-densho-151-398)
Original caption: Manzanar Relocation Center, Manzanar, California. Playing the Japanese game Goh in the Relocation Hall at this War Relocation Authority center for evacuees of Japanese ancestry.
Construction workers with military police (ddr-densho-37-820)
img Construction workers with military police (ddr-densho-37-820)
Original WRA caption: Manzanar Relocation Center, Manzanar, California. Time out to talk over the construction of water pipes at this War Relocation Authority center.
Mealtime in mess hall (ddr-densho-151-432)
img Mealtime in mess hall (ddr-densho-151-432)
Original caption: Manzanar Relocation Center, Manzanar, California. Mealtime in one of the messhalls at this War Relocation Authority center for evacuees of Japanese ancestry.
Man walking with grandson (ddr-densho-151-374)
img Man walking with grandson (ddr-densho-151-374)
Original caption: Manzanar Relocation Center, Manzanar, California. Grandfather of Japanese ancestry teaching his little grandson to walk at this War Relocation Authority center for evacuees.
Art class (ddr-densho-151-439)
img Art class (ddr-densho-151-439)
Original caption: Manzanar Relocation Center, Manzanar, California. Making artificial flowers in the Art School at this War Relocation Authority center for evacuees of Japanese ancestry.
Japanese Americans in art class (ddr-densho-151-480)
img Japanese Americans in art class (ddr-densho-151-480)
Original caption: Manzanar Relocation Center, Manzanar, California. Making artificial flowers in the Art School at this War Relocation Authority center for evacuees of Japanese ancestry.
Japanese Americans eating in mess hall (ddr-densho-151-66)
img Japanese Americans eating in mess hall (ddr-densho-151-66)
Original WRA caption: Manzanar Relocation Center, Manzanar, California. Mealtime in one of the messhalls at this War Relocation Authority center for evacuees of Japanese ancestry.
Concentration camp barracks (ddr-densho-151-67)
img Concentration camp barracks (ddr-densho-151-67)
Original WRA caption: Manzanar Relocation Center, Manzanar, California. Street scene looking west between barrack blocks at this War Relocation Authority center for evacuees of Japanese ancestry.
Japanese Americans working in field (ddr-densho-151-391)
img Japanese Americans working in field (ddr-densho-151-391)
Original caption: Manzanar Relocation Center, Manzanar, California. Field laborers hoeing corn on the farm project at this War Relocation Authority center for evacuees of Japanese ancestry.
Gardens and barracks (ddr-densho-151-426)
img Gardens and barracks (ddr-densho-151-426)
Original caption: Manzanar Relocation Center, Manzanar, California. Lawns and flowers have been planted by some of the evacuees at their barrack homes at this War Relocation Authority center.