114 items
114 items

Helen Amerman Manning Interview (ddr-densho-1000-147)
White female. Born March 23, 1916, in Bloomfield, New Jersey. Attended Michigan State College, then Stanford University for graduate courses, before becoming a high school teacher at the Minidoka concentration camp. After World War II, worked for various organizations in the field of race relations, including the San Francisco Council for Civic Unity, and the Oakland …

Letter from a camp teacher to her family (ddr-densho-171-37)
Excerpt: "The first and most important reason for writing is to tip you off that if you receive a call from Father Daisuke Kitagawa, I have sent him." Sent from Minidoka concentration camp, Idaho.

Letter from a camp teacher to her family (ddr-densho-171-39)
Excerpt: "I'm taking the day off more as a precaution than anything else..." Sent from Minidoka concentration camp, Idaho.

Letter from a camp teacher to her family (ddr-densho-171-82)
Excerpt: "Just a scribble to tell you I am OK but simply swamped with the closing of the center." Sent from Minidoka concentration camp, Idaho.

Letter from a camp teacher to her family (ddr-densho-171-58)
Excerpt: "Here I am starting my third year on the project today!" Sent from Minidoka concentration camp, Idaho.

Letter from a camp teacher to her family (ddr-densho-171-14)
Excerpt: "I feel terribly that I didn't get any special greeting to you for Christmas, but there just wasn't time to write and Uncle Sam was discouraging telegrams and long distance phone calls." Sent from Minidoka concentration camp, Idaho.

Letter from a camp teacher to her family (ddr-densho-171-56)
Excerpt: "We got off at 11 Friday morning, rode to Burley with Mr. Heley on an errand and took the last seats in the bus from there." Sent from Minidoka concentration camp, Idaho.

Letter from a camp teacher to her family (ddr-densho-171-41)
Excerpt: "This is intended as a timely greeting in lieu of a phone call or telegram. I hope it will find you having a pleasant, cozy Christmas 'on the home front'!" Sent from Minidoka concentration camp, Idaho.

Letter from a camp teacher to her family (ddr-densho-171-32)
Excerpt: "Instead I must go down for a visit from the Twin Falls Young People which is now starting..." Sent from Minidoka concentration camp, Idaho.

Letter from a camp teacher to her family (ddr-densho-171-18)
Excerpt: "Last week I had some rest from choir after Mae's leaving -- we took a week off because of the big banquets for the volunteers." Sent from Minidoka concentration camp, Idaho.

Letter from a camp teacher to her family (ddr-densho-171-76)
Excerpt: "We're on the last three months! And this one is flashing along unbelievable fast!" Sent from Minidoka concentration camp, Idaho.

Letter from a camp teacher to her family (ddr-densho-171-8)
Excerpt: "Monday was chiefly introductory welcoming speeches by key people and preliminary planning which went rather slowly." Sent from Minidoka concentration camp, Idaho.

Letter from a camp teacher to her family (ddr-densho-171-19)
Excerpt: "I slept till 9 for a change. Then after breakfast I went over to play for Episcopal Sunday school..." Sent from Minidoka concentration camp, Idaho.

Letter from a camp teacher to her family (ddr-densho-171-85)
Excerpt: "When it's all over, I think I shall write my memories, entitled 'Life on the Tail of a Comet'!"

Letter from a camp teacher to her family (ddr-densho-171-84)
Excerpt: "First - here are some war stamps which I accumulated at a staff party some time ago."

Letter from a camp teacher to her aunt (ddr-densho-171-43)
Excerpt: "As with you, all the news is in the 'Family letter' but I do want you to have a thank-you of your own for my birthday check." Sent from Minidoka concentration camp, Idaho.

Letter from a camp teacher to her family (ddr-densho-171-16)
Excerpt: "Here's another installment which, according to my records brings our total to $105 and wipes out the very helpful loan..." Sent from Minidoka concentration camp, Idaho.

Letter from a camp teacher to her family (ddr-densho-171-1)
Excerpt: "I'm here! Just a line because I have to be up at 7 tomorrow. Things are much better than I expected and they have a grand bunch here." Sent from Minidoka concentration camp, Idaho.

Letter from a camp teacher to her family (ddr-densho-171-48)
Excerpt: "I'll get this written tonight because tomorrow will be really full!" Sent from Minidoka concentration camp, Idaho.

Letter from a camp teacher to her family (ddr-densho-171-28)
Except: "This is sort of a postscript and answer to mother's letter which arrived today with the books." Sent from Minidoka concentration camp, Idaho.

Letter from a camp teacher to her family (ddr-densho-171-31)
Excerpt: "Sorry I'm late again but last night I taught Jerry Fogarty's Americanization class from 7 till 8 and then went to a meeting..." Sent from Minidoka concentration camp, Idaho.

Letter from a camp teacher to her family (ddr-densho-171-60)
Excerpt: "After writing you a week ago, Barbara Barrett and I went over and helped paint the staff mess hall." Sent from Minidoka concentration camp, Idaho.

Letter from a camp teacher to her family (ddr-densho-171-77)
Excerpt: "This is one of the most leisurely Sundays in a long time. To begin with, I was supposed to have gone to Boise and didn't." Sent from Minidoka concentration camp, Idaho.

Letter from a camp teacher to her family (ddr-densho-171-80)
Excerpt: "We have been deluged with clerical help in the office and there have been 25 prisoners of war loading freight since Tuesday." Sent from Minidoka concentration camp, Idaho.

Letter from a camp teacher to her family (ddr-densho-171-57)
Excerpt: "This week has been like winter and today has been raining so we snuggled indoors and have played Chinese checkers all afternoon." Sent from Minidoka concentration camp, Idaho.