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Kathy Nishimoto Masaoka Interview I Segment 19 (ddr-densho-1000-542-19)
vh Kathy Nishimoto Masaoka Interview I Segment 19 (ddr-densho-1000-542-19)
Returning to the United States and struggling with Japanese American identity
Kathy Nishimoto Masaoka Interview I Segment 30 (ddr-densho-1000-542-30)
vh Kathy Nishimoto Masaoka Interview I Segment 30 (ddr-densho-1000-542-30)
Living in the Community Workers Collective and getting involved in political activism

Narrator Dale Minami

Sansei male. Born in Los Angeles, California on October 13, 1946, and grew up in Gardena, California. Received B.A. in Political Science from University of Southern California, graduated magna cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa in 1968. Received J.D., 1971, from Boalt Hall School of Law, University of California. Mr. Minami was a co-founder of the …

Narrator Paul Satoh

Born in Osaka, Japan, in 1936, Paul Satoh spent a happy childhood as the only child of a chemist and a homemaker. Satoh's extended family included an uncle who had studied at the University of California, Los Angeles, and his wife, a US-born Nikkei from Hawai'i who occasionally had received a "care pack from the United …