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746 items
Japanese American building a model ship (ddr-densho-37-597)
img Japanese American building a model ship (ddr-densho-37-597)
Original WRA caption: Gila River Relocation Center, Rivers, Arizona. Wataru Ichinotsubo, former produce market employee form Los Angeles, California, is shown sandpapering the hull of a model into final shape in the model ship factory here. These ships are carefully constructed for the Navy by the Japanese-American craftsmen.
Japanese American doctor examining patient (ddr-densho-151-417)
img Japanese American doctor examining patient (ddr-densho-151-417)
Original caption: Manzanar Relocation Center, Manzanar, California. Making an examination of an evacuee patient are Doctor Takahashi, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist, and his wife who is his assistant. They are evacuees of Japanese ancestry from Los Angeles now spending the duration at this War Relocation Authority Center.
Mitzi Masukawa Naohara (ddr-csujad-38-324)
img Mitzi Masukawa Naohara (ddr-csujad-38-324)
Photographed is Mitzi Masukawa Naohara in Harbor City, Los Angeles, California. "May 1952" stamped on the back side. A photo from: Mitzi Naohara photo album (csudh_nao_0200), page 21. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: nao_02_21_003_01
Mitzi Naohara (ddr-csujad-38-327)
img Mitzi Naohara (ddr-csujad-38-327)
Photographed is Mitzi Masukawa Naohara in Harbor City, Los Angeles, California. The caption reads: Harbor City, 1950. A photo from: Mitzi Naohara photo album (csudh_nao_0200), page 21. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: nao_02_21_006
Haruko Taenaka (ddr-csujad-25-270)
img Haruko Taenaka (ddr-csujad-25-270)
A page from the Taenaka family photo album. Pasted on the page is a portrait of Haruko Taenaka probably taken in the early 1930s in Los Angeles, California. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: jia_09_01_066
Mitzi Masukawa Naohara (ddr-csujad-38-332)
img Mitzi Masukawa Naohara (ddr-csujad-38-332)
Photographed is Mitzi Masukawa Naohara in Harbor City, Los Angeles, California. The caption reads: Harbor City. A photo from: Mitzi Naohara photo album (csudh_nao_0200), page 21. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: nao_02_21_011
Mitzi Naohara (ddr-csujad-38-326)
img Mitzi Naohara (ddr-csujad-38-326)
Photographed is Mitzi Masukawa Naohara in Harbor City, Los Angeles, California. The caption reads: Harbor City. A photo from: Mitzi Naohara photo album (csudh_nao_0200), page 21. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: nao_02_21_005
Tomosuke and Koyuta Masukawa (ddr-csujad-38-336)
img Tomosuke and Koyuta Masukawa (ddr-csujad-38-336)
Photographed are Tomosuke and Koyuta Masukawa standing in front of their house on Lomita Boulevard, Los Angeles, California. A photo from: Mitzi Naohara photo album (csudh_nao_0200), page 22. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: nao_02_22_002
Uno house; [Amy Uno Ishii] (ddr-csujad-29-121)
img Uno house; [Amy Uno Ishii] (ddr-csujad-29-121)
The Uno house on Thirty-Eight Street in Los Angeles, California. Amy Uno Ishii in 1939, three years prior to her forced evacuation from the West Coast. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: P041
Ujinobu Niwa Interview (ddr-manz-1-138)
vh Ujinobu Niwa Interview (ddr-manz-1-138)
Nisei male. Born in Los Angeles, California, where father ran a fruit stand and mother was a Japanese language school teacher. During World War II, was removed to the Manzanar concentration camp, California. Left camp and moved to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, eventually establishing a career in chemistry.

(This interview has audio problems due to the equipment used …

Manzanar quiet under Army rule (ddr-csujad-36-17)
doc Manzanar quiet under Army rule (ddr-csujad-36-17)
News clipping titled, Manzanar Quiet Under Army Role, from the Los Angeles Examiner. A news clipping from: Manzanar Photo Album. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: man_01_019
Former incarcerees from Los Angeles pulling beets in field near Milliken, Colorado (ddr-csujad-14-38)
img Former incarcerees from Los Angeles pulling beets in field near Milliken, Colorado (ddr-csujad-14-38)
Former incarcerees from Los Angeles pulling beets in field near Milliken, Colorado. Novemer 3, 1942. Photo by Tom Parker. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: HMLSC_TOMO_f03
[= Betsuin newsletter], no. 10, 1947 (ddr-csujad-5-225)
doc [= Betsuin newsletter], no. 10, 1947 (ddr-csujad-5-225)
A newsletter published by Hompa Hongwanji Los Angeles Betsuin. It is enclosed with another issue (csudh_oki_0219) into the envelope (csudh_oki_0218). See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: oki_02_62_003
[= Betsuin newsletter], October 10, 1946 (ddr-csujad-5-224)
doc [= Betsuin newsletter], October 10, 1946 (ddr-csujad-5-224)
A newsletter published by Hompa Hongwanji Los Angeles Betsuin. It is enclosed with another issue (csudh_oki_0220) into the envelope (csudh_oki_0218). See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: oki_02_62_002
Infantry training (ddr-densho-114-177)
img Infantry training (ddr-densho-114-177)
Original caption: Yoshio Tamura of Los Angeles, California is one of the first trainees to arrive at Camp Robinson, Arkansas, Infantry Replacement Training Center. He is being welcomed by Lt. Col. J.P. Gammon, Commander of the 66th Infantry Training Battalion, 14th Regiment, as the other trainees look on. February 2, 1942.
Colorado Times Vol. 31, No. 4309 (May 12, 1945) (ddr-densho-150-22)
doc Colorado Times Vol. 31, No. 4309 (May 12, 1945) (ddr-densho-150-22)
Selected article titles: "Featuring... Nisei-Grams"; "Nisei's Home Stoned in S.F."; "Wounded Nisei Soldier Gets Ovation in Los Angeles"; "Californians' Worry Grows at Treatment of Evacuees"; "Plenty to Eat at Spring Retreat"; "Nisei Committee Aids Resettlers and Organizes in Philadelphia"; "Manzanar Light Levy Suit Asked"; "California Anti Japanese League is Organized."
Sue K. Embrey Interview (ddr-densho-1000-6)
vh Sue K. Embrey Interview (ddr-densho-1000-6)
Nisei female. Born January 6, 1923, in Los Angeles, California. During World War II, was incarcerated at Manzanar concentration camp, California. Wrote for the Manzanar Free Press while incarcerated. Resettled during World War II in Madison, Wisconsin, and Chicago, Illinois. Returned to Los Angeles, California, in 1948. Founding member of Nisei Progressives and the Manzanar Committee. …
Ryo Komae Interview (ddr-densho-400-14)
av Ryo Komae Interview (ddr-densho-400-14)
Ryo Komae was born on July 26, 1918, in Los Angeles, California. He was one of three children, and his parents were Tojiro and Komaji Komae. His father was "watchman" (security guard) for the Los Angeles City Market and his mother was a housewife. During World War II, he was removed with his family to the …
Phil Shigekuni Interview (ddr-densho-1000-364)
vh Phil Shigekuni Interview (ddr-densho-1000-364)
Yonsei male. Born March 28, 1934, in San Francisco, California. Grew up in Los Angeles. During World War II, removed to the Santa Anita Assembly Center, California, and the Granada (Amache) concentration camp, Colorado. Following the war, became a counselor in the public school system in Los Angeles. Active in a number of community causes including …
Setsuko Izumi Asano Interview (ddr-densho-1000-392)
vh Setsuko Izumi Asano Interview (ddr-densho-1000-392)
Nisei female. Born March 3, 1932, in the Boyle Heights neighborhood of Los Angeles, California. During World War II, removed to the Santa Anita Assembly Center, California, and the Rohwer concentration camp, Arkansas. After leaving camp, moved with family to New Orleans, Louisiana. Remained in New Orleans for thirteen years, finishing school and establishing a career …
Letter from Lester E. Suzuki to Mrs. Miller, 1942 May 31 (ddr-csujad-20-16)
doc Letter from Lester E. Suzuki to Mrs. Miller, 1942 May 31 (ddr-csujad-20-16)
Letter from Lester E. Suzuki to Mrs. Miller addressing improved food conditions. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: WLM_01-46_16
Letter from Seda Suzuki to Rev. and Mrs. Miller, 1942 September 11 (ddr-csujad-20-19)
doc Letter from Seda Suzuki to Rev. and Mrs. Miller, 1942 September 11 (ddr-csujad-20-19)
A letter sent to Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Miller giving thanks for his sermon. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: WLM_01-46_19
Letter from June Harino to Rev. Miller, 1942 October 15 (ddr-csujad-20-22)
doc Letter from June Harino to Rev. Miller, 1942 October 15 (ddr-csujad-20-22)
A letter from June Harino sent to Miller regarding her being assigned to a camp in Jerome, Arkansas where there awaits a "certain someone" with whom she is very happy. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: WLM_01-46_11
Letter from June Harino to Rev. Miller, 1942 June 9 (ddr-csujad-20-20)
doc Letter from June Harino to Rev. Miller, 1942 June 9 (ddr-csujad-20-20)
A letter sent to Mr. Wendell L. Miller. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: WLM_01-46_20
Letter from Lester Suzuki to Mrs. Miller, 1942 May 5 (ddr-csujad-20-18)
doc Letter from Lester Suzuki to Mrs. Miller, 1942 May 5 (ddr-csujad-20-18)
Letter from Lester Suzuki to Mrs. Miller wishing her a speedy recovery and thanking her for letting Mr. Miller help them in many ways. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: WLM_01-46_18