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4 items
Li Zongren (ddr-njpa-1-862)
img Li Zongren (ddr-njpa-1-862)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "Li Zongren. Commander, Chinese Fourth Army Group."
Li Zongren (ddr-njpa-1-861)
img Li Zongren (ddr-njpa-1-861)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "No. 7,707 Li Zongren. Important figure in Chinese military. [Stamped] May 17, 1939."
Li Zongren (ddr-njpa-1-860)
img Li Zongren (ddr-njpa-1-860)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "Li Zongren (No. 5,402). Commander of the Fourth Army Group."
Newspaper clipping regarding Li Zongren (ddr-njpa-1-863)
doc Newspaper clipping regarding Li Zongren (ddr-njpa-1-863)
Caption on front [translation]: "Person of the Times. Li Zongren. With the recent reported arrest and confinement of Yan Xishan, the 'king' of Shanxi province, following the execution of defeated Shanxi Army Commander Li Fuying and Shandong Warlord Han Fuju, and with the fall of Xuzhou and withdrawal from Longhai imminent, Longhai Front Commander Li Zongren …