5 items
5 items
Ticket to Cat Ballou (ddr-densho-338-218)
A ticket for the Cat Ballou world premier benefit of the Larry Tajiri Memorial Fund.
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 43, No. 4 (July 27, 1956) (ddr-pc-28-30)
Selected article titles: "Sharon Nishimi of Sacramento crowned 'Miss Nat'l JACL- '56'" (p. 1), "Newly Qualified Internee Claims to be Processed First by Gov't" (p. 1), "Racial Bias of Realty Board Subject in Damage Test Cases" (p. 1), "Inequalities of Canada Citizenship Cited by Negro Group Leader" (p. 3), "NW-WNDC delegates to recommend new award for …
Carbon copy letter from Ai Chih Tsai to J.Y. Lai (ddr-densho-446-414)
Responding to Mr. Lai's letter about the history of Christians in Taiwan. (3 pages)