6 items
6 items
Seven Issei men in suits (ddr-densho-259-196)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "A group of Hood River Issei, from left to right: Kozo Karasawa, Yoshitomo Kyono, Ikutaro Takagi, Kamematsu Norimatsu and [Renichi Fujimoto]. I can't identify the two men who are crouching in the front."
Wedding party (ddr-densho-259-511)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "Wedding party of Jane Kyono and Tokutaro Ted Mori, who was an Issei born in Shiga ken in 1903. This picture was taken in front of the same Buddhist Church where so many other group pictures of Nikkei were taken in Portland."
Japanese American and white men and boys at St. Marks church (ddr-densho-259-197)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "St. Marks Church in Hood River, showing [Masuo Yasui], several Issei men, a Caucasian minister, and remarkably, a Japanese minister not Isaac Inouye. St. Marks was either a Catholic or Episcopalian church--or maybe it was a Lutheran church. In any event, the two clerics are wearing their collars backwards, as Catholic and …
Japanese American and white men and boys at St. Marks church (ddr-densho-259-110)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "St. Marks Church in Hood River, showing [Masuo Yasui], several Issei men, a Caucasian minister, and remarkably, a Japanese minister not Isaac Inouye. St. Marks was either a Catholic or Episcopalian church--or maybe it was a Lutheran church. In any event, the two clerics are wearing their collars backwards, as Catholic and …
Japanese American and white men and boys at St. Marks church (ddr-densho-259-237)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "St. Marks Church in Hood River, showing [Masuo Yasui], several Issei men, a Caucasian minister, and remarkably, a Japanese minister not Isaac Inouye. St. Marks was either a Catholic or Episcopalian church--or maybe it was a Lutheran church. In any event, the two clerics are wearing their collars backwards, as Catholic and …
Japanese American and white men and boys at St. Marks church (ddr-densho-259-262)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "St. Marks Church in Hood River, showing [Masuo Yasui], several Issei men, a Caucasian minister, and remarkably, a Japanese minister not Isaac Inouye. St. Marks was either a Catholic or Episcopalian church--or maybe it was a Lutheran church. In any event, the two clerics are wearing their collars backwards, as Catholic and …