7 items
7 items
Issei men in front of Buddhist church (ddr-densho-259-330)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "39-40 Issei men sitting in chairs in front of what surely must have been a Buddhist church in Portland. The swastika on the door indicates that this was a Buddhist temple. I suspect that these men were members of the Nipponjin Kai--sometimes called the Nihonjin Kai--Japanese Association."
"Issei men posed in front of Buddhist church" (ddr-densho-259-336)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "Group of Issei men posed in front of Buddhist church. Most probably members of Nipponjin Kai."
"Issei men posed in front of Buddhist church" (ddr-densho-259-335)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "Group of Issei men posed in front of Buddhist church. Most probably members of Nipponjin Kai."
Nipponjin Kai members (ddr-densho-259-333)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "Group of 39-40 well dressed Issei men standing on a lawn from the appearance of the men, I will guess that these were Nipponjin Kai members."
"Issei men posed in front of Buddhist church" (ddr-densho-259-337)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "Group of Issei men posed in front of Buddhist church. Most probably members of Nipponjin Kai."
Issei men in front of Buddhist church (ddr-densho-259-332)
A group of Issei men posed in front of a Buddhist temple in Portland, possibly members of the Nipponjin Kai Japanese Association.
Issei men around a table (ddr-densho-259-341)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "Group of 33 Issei men in business suits in a small room gathered around a white cloth-covered long table."