5 items
5 items

Japanese Language Class students (ddr-densho-134-22)
These are students of North Seattle's Japanese Language Class. This class was the first organized activity for children of the early North Seattle Issei immigrants. Classes were first given at a private residence and then moved to the Community Hall, located at North 100th and Corliss Avenue. Back row (L to R): Mac Sasaki, Akira Kumasaka, …

Green Lake Sunday School (ddr-densho-134-26)
This Sunday school was started by three missionaries from the Seattle Japanese Baptist Church in the early 1920s. Back row (L to R): Miss Rumsey, Naoshi Kumagai, Kay Suzuki, Tadashi Kumagai, unidentified, Akira Kumasaka. Middle row (L to R): Tak Nakawatase, unidentified, unidentified, May Kumasaka, Kimi Taguchi, Ko Suzuki, unidentified. Front row (L to R): Sam …

Japanese Language Class students (ddr-densho-134-21)
These students are dressed up for a presentation at North Seattle's Japanese Language Class. This class was the first organized activity for children of the early North Seattle Issei immigrants. Classes were first given at a private residence and then moved to the Community Hall, located at North 100th and Corliss Avenue. Back row (L to …

Girls' softball team (ddr-densho-138-7)
The Green Lake Girls' Softball Team was a very high-scoring and competitive team, once winning a game 64-3. Back row (L to R): Takako Kumagai, Aya Tanagi, Masaye Yonemura, Tomiko Uyeji, Mae Shimizu. Front row (L to R): Yoshiye Mochizuki, Chimiko Nakawatase, Toshiko Suzuki, Mariko Kumasaka, Masako Tada, Tomiye Mochizuki.

Girls in kimonos (ddr-densho-134-27)
Students of the Japanese Language School in North Seattle gather in the playground. The school was housed in the Green Lake Community Hall, located at North 100th and Corliss Avenue. The building was eventually enlarged as the program grew more and more popular. (L to R): Molly Kitajima, Michiko Nakawatase, Kazue Kitajima, Kazuko Sasaki, Chimiko Nakawatase, …