21 items
21 items

U.S. Department of Justice Alien Enemy Questionnaire page 2 of 26. (ddr-one-5-121)
Photocopy of a declassified questionnaire used to determine if the person named is to be considered an enemy alien. This page covers questions 4 - 6a of 111. Dr. Koyama lists his names as "Kei, Koyama," Ken Koyäma," "Ken Keizaburo Koyama," and "Dr. Kei Koyama." He lists his time in the United States as living in …

Reconsideration page 1 of 2 (ddr-one-5-161)
Photocopy of a declassified document labeled "RECONSIDERATION." It finds that Keizaburo Koyama should be interned due to being a member of the Fatherland Society (Sokoku Kai) and the Japanese Association of Portland. Despite having letters signed by 15 white Americans affirming his loyalty, the board did not consider their testimony as the letters were not submitted …

Case file for Keizaburo Koyama from the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Page 2 of 6. (ddr-one-5-99)
Photocopy of a declassified report on Keizaburo Koyama. This page further elaborates that Confidential Informant SE N-1 has, on several occasions, mis-translated Japanese names. In this case, he mistook the name "Iwao Oyama" for Keizaburo Koyama. The informant said that his original source for the names, a Japanese newspaper, has since been destroyed. The informant went …

U.S. Department of Justice Alien Enemy Questionnaire page 19 of 26. (ddr-one-5-140)
Photocopy of a declassified questionnaire used to determine if the person named is to be considered an enemy alien. This page covers questions 77 - 88 of 111. Koyama writes that his deceased father's name is Jenichiro Koyama and that he was born in Japan and is not a United States citizen. His mother's name is …

Department of Justice United States Attorney District of Oregon Office Information Record. Page 1 of 2. (ddr-one-5-173)
Photocopy of a declassified record with biographical , health, and arrest information on Keizaburo Koyama.

Order from Attorney General Francis Biddle on the internment of Keizaburo Koyama (ddr-one-5-227)
Photocopy of a declassified order from U.S. Attorney General Francis Biddle vacating the prior order concerning the internment of Keizaburo Koyama on February 28, 1942. Biddle further orders that Koyama be paroled to the custody of the District Parole Officer for the District in which the appropriate War Relocation Center is located. A condition of Koyama's …

Court order on the internment of Keizaburo Koyama (ddr-one-5-163)
Photocopy of a declassified court order stating that Keizaburo Koyama, having been found to be an enemy alien, be interned immediately.

Federal Bureau of Investigation Case file for Keizaburo Koyama. Page 1 of 4. (ddr-one-5-169)
Photocopy of a declassified file on Keizaburo Koyama by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The document speaks on Koyama's hearing at Fort Missoula, Montana and being found to be an enemy alien. The decision was based largely on Koyama having a subscription to the magazine put out by the Sokoku Kai. The panel felt that his …

Department of Justice memo from the United States Attorney Director of Oregon Carl C. Donaugh on the Matter of the Detention of Keizaburo Koyama, a Japanese alien (ddr-one-5-116)
Photocopy of a declassified memorandum from Carl C. Donaugh, United States Attorney from the District of Oregon to the Attorney General in Washington, D.C., on the detention of Dr. Keizaburo Koyama. The filled out form letter notes that the FBI took Dr. Koyama into custody on December 10, 1941 in Portland, Oregon and that he is …

Department of Justice memo from the United States Attorney Director of Oregon Carl C. Donaugh on the Matter of the Detention of Keizaburo Koyama, a Japanese alien (ddr-one-5-117)
Photocopy of a declassified memorandum from Carl C. Donaugh, United States Attorney from the District of Oregon to the Attorney General in Washington, D.C., on the detention of Dr. Keizaburo Koyama. This is a signed and date stamped copy of 2016.23.27.

U.S. Department of Justice Alien Enemy Questionnaire page 1 of 26. (ddr-one-5-120)
Photocopy of a declassified questionnaire used to determine if the person named is to be considered an enemy alien. This page covers questions 1 - 3 of 111. It lists an Alien Registration number of 4043236. In the form, Dr. Koyama lists his name as Koyama, Keizaburo and is from the city of Shibata in Niigata …

Duplicate of 2016.23.09 (ddr-one-5-104)
Duplicate of 2016.23.09. Stamped "JAN 15 1942" in upper right hand corner.

Notice of Hearing from the Department of Justice, District of Oregon, Portland for Keizaburo Koyama (ddr-one-5-111)
Photocopy of a declassified document from the Department of Justice, Alien Enemy Hearing Board, on the detention of Keizaburo Koyama. The notice tells Koyama that he will go before the Board at the Courts Martial Room, at the Immigration and Naturalization Service Detention Station at Fort Missoula, Montana on February 2, 1942 at 3:30 o'clock. He …

Department of Justice Alien Enemy Hearing Board Report and Recommendation page 1 of 4 (ddr-one-5-153)
Photocopy of a declassified report detailing the reasoning behind the recommendation that Dr. Keizaburo Koyama be interned as an alien enemy. The first page notes those individuals that wrote on his behalf, but since their letters were not in affidavit form, they failed to comply with the Department's regulations for the conduct of alien hearings. As …

Case file for Keizaburo Koyama from the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Page 3 of 6. (ddr-one-5-100)
Photocopy of a declassified report on Keizaburo Koyama. Confidential Informant N1 provided another translated article from the North American Times dated February 14, 1941 which stated that Koyama was appointed to the Industrial Department of the Japanese Association of Oregon, which was reorganized as a new Japanese Chamber of Commerce. On March 5, 1941, Koyama was …

U.S. Department of Justice Alien Enemy Questionnaire page 3 of 26. (ddr-one-5-122)
Photocopy of a declassified questionnaire used to determine if the person named is to be considered an enemy alien. This page covers questions 6b - 9 of 111. Dr. Koyama writes that he lived in Shibata in Niigata Ken, Japan from October 7, 1897 to December 1914. He states that he is a Japanese male, 5'4" …

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 43, No. 3 (July 20, 1956) (ddr-pc-28-29)
Selected article titles: "Claimants requested to refrain from writing Dep't of Justice for 60 days as all claims being reviewed under 1955 amendment" (p. 1), "Kibei fired as security risk in plea to Eisenhower" (p. 1), "Action unlikely on committee ok'd bill to return war vested property" (p. 1), "Renunciation law and segregation termed by Myer …