4 items
4 items
Two women with parasols next to large nopal cactus (ddr-ajah-6-927)
Caption below photo: Mrs. Kora and Yoshino Otsu, both of Alameda, CA. Circa 1930s.
Two women and a girl in kimono (ddr-ajah-2-843)
Caption below photo: L to T: Mrs. Kora??, Hiroye Koike and Shigeno Koike Alameda, CA, circa 1930s.
Order battle map, Korean War front line (ddr-csujad-38-471)
Order battle map with George Nobuo Naohara's handwritten notes on his experience during the Korean War. He captured Chinese soldiers of the Eight Rote Army in Paech'on, Korea and interrogated them. Item from: George Naohara scrapbook: Korean War and before leaving Japan (csudh_nao_0600). See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: …
Portrait of family group (ddr-ajah-6-916)
Caption below photo: Mrs. Kora and Yoshino Otsu appear in a number of photos together, but whether they were related is open to question. The families lived in Alameda, CA. Tomoe is Yoshino's daughter. Tomoe was born on December 15, 1917, making this photo likely the late 1920s.