4 items
4 items

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 42, No. 14 (April 6, 1956) (ddr-pc-28-14)
Selected article titles: "Jr JACL program adopted for 14th national convention" (p. 1), "Picture-bride practice reversed as eight Nisei fly to Japan to be married" (p. 1), "Escheat case fight on appeal; JACL to sign amicus brief" (p. 1), "Justice Dep't orders certain claims to be heard by examiner" (p. 1), "Hilo Nisei doctor at Oak …

Approved Educational Institutions for relocating Japanese American college students (ddr-densho-356-790)
List of approved colleges and universities for Japanese American students to attend by the United States Army & Navy. Plus a list of students in camp who wish to attended university.

Divisions and Personnel at Merced Assembly Center (ddr-densho-356-777)
Booklet that lists staff in each division at Merced Assembly Center.