19 items
19 items
Issei farmer and government employee discuss mass removal (ddr-densho-151-136)
Original caption: Hayward, California. Harry Konda, farmer, discusses evacuation details with a representation of the Farm Security Administration. Evacuees of Japanese ancestry will be housed in War Relocation Authority centers for the duration.
Nisei man leaving Japanese American Citizens League office (ddr-densho-151-183)
Original caption: Centerville, California. Harry Konda leaves the quarters of the Japanese American Citizens League of this township for the last time. He is about to board the first bus for the Tanforan Assembly center to which all people of Japanese ancestry of this community are being evacuated on this day. He is wearing his identification …
Japanese American selling possessions (ddr-densho-151-275)
Original caption: Centerville, California. Scene in the Japanese American Citizens League local office. This office is assisting the farmers of Japanese ancestry in this district to arrange their affairs for evacuation and to keep them posted on events. Harry Konda, officer of the league, is disposing of a washing machine to a local Mexican farm laborer's …
Information concerning citizenship German, Italian and Japanese Farmers of Alameda County and associated documents for Harry Konda family (ddr-densho-491-87)
Including property reports and family reports